Lumi Global Acquires Assembly Voting to Strengthen Product Leadership and Accelerate International E
LIPHOOK, United Kingdom, Dec. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lumi Global, a global leader in technology-driven meeting solutions across Annual General Meetings, Investor Relations, and Member meetings, proudly announces the acquisition of Assembly Voting, a technology company specializing in end-to-end verifiable, cloud-based elections and voting solutions via its proprietary platform, Electa. This strategic acquisition reinforces Lumi Global’s commitment to innovation while expanding its capabilities beyond the live meeting environment to new market opportunities.
Key Highlights of the Acquisition
- Enhancing Product Leadership
- Assembly Voting introduces advanced end-to-end verifiability to Lumi’s portfolio, ensuring secure, transparent, and verifiable election and voting processes for clients worldwide.
- While Lumi Global has long offered anonymous voting solutions, Assembly Voting further elevates this capability with its advanced features, solidifying Lumi Global’s position as a leader in meeting technology and election solutions.
- Strengthening Product Portfolio
- The Electa platform is purpose-built for scheduled elections and asynchronous voting, complementing Lumi Global’s existing solutions designed for live meetings and synchronous voting.
- With a focus on verifiability, security, and scalability, the Electa platform broadens Lumi’s ability to support organizations at every stage of their decision-making processes, both before and during key meetings.
- Catalyzing International Expansion
- This acquisition establishes Lumi Global’s presence in Denmark and Spain, opening new opportunities in these strategically significant markets.
- Lumi Global is strategically positioned to deploy the Electa platform across its key markets in North America, EMEA, and APAC.
- Driving Innovation with Expertise
- The inclusion of Assembly Voting’s experienced development team enriches Lumi Global’s innovation pipeline, bringing new opportunities for collaboration and growth.
- The Electa platform’s excellence is further validated by an independent study conducted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which ranked it among the top electronic voting solutions globally out of 82 tools analyzed. KIT’s SECUSO (Security, Usability, Society) research group, renowned for its work in cybersecurity and usability, has emphasized Electa’s robust focus on these areas, reinforcing its credibility and leadership in the field. The full study is available here.
Leadership Perspectives
“This acquisition marks a bold step forward for Lumi Global, as we extend our product capabilities beyond the meeting day and into the wider elections market,” said Richard Taylor, CEO of Lumi Global. “The integration of Assembly Voting’s innovative technologies with Lumi’s Global platform will unlock new opportunities, ensuring we remain at the forefront of technology-driven meeting, election and voting solutions in Annual General Meetings, Investor Relations, and Member organization worldwide.”
“We are thrilled to join Lumi Global, a company whose vision and innovative approach align perfectly with ours,” said Jacob Gyldenkaerne, CEO of Assembly Voting. “This partnership not only expands the reach of our technology but also enhances our ability to serve an even more diverse, global client base with end-to-end verifiable election solutions.”
Supporting Lumi Global’s Strategic Goals
Lumi Global’s acquisition of Assembly Voting underscores its dedication to powering the meetings and elections that matter for trusted decisions worldwide. As live meetings and general assemblies transition to increasingly digital formats, elections have similarly evolved from traditional paper ballots to more secure and reliable digital platforms. This digital transformation creates the opportunity for a unified platform that seamlessly serves both needs. Lumi Global’s clients are increasingly seeking a comprehensive solution that delivers this integration.
About Lumi Global
Lumi Global powers the meetings and elections that matter for the world’s most trusted decisions, ensuring seamless, engaging experiences for in-room and online participants. Lumi Global’s cutting-edge technology and unique global presence empower informed decision-making across annual meetings, elections, member meetings, legislative meetings, IR meetings, and earnings calls. For over 30 years, Lumi has driven industry innovation, co-creating solutions with customers to simplify the complex and deliver stress-free, flawless meetings that foster accountability and meaningful engagement.
For more information, please contact:
Sylvie Harton
Chief Business Strategy Officer
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
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