The Yacht Club de Monaco celebrates the YCM Awards
MONACO, Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The curtain falls on 2024 at the Yacht Club de Monaco. As tradition goes, the YCM Awards took place Wednesday evening, endowed with the prestigious UBS Trophy, gathering the large family of the Club under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. Every year this event pays tribute to sport performances, while welcoming new members to the YCM.
In his speech, the Sovereign recalled YCM's dual mission as a private club dedicated to its 2,500 members (81 nationalities) and its public service remit that contributes to “making Monaco The destination of reference for yachting, combining as it does innovation and sustainability”. These values are reflected in its collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting' which positions the Club as a key player in protecting the oceans and promoting maritime innovation. To this end, it is multiplying initiatives and actions such as the 12th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (July 1-5, 2025), which will focus on artificial intelligence, or the development of the SEA Index, a reference environmental standard for pleasure boat owners. The latter is a tool now being applied in 15 harbours and marinas in the Mediterranean and in the Seychelles to assess CO2 emissions of yachts over 24m. Its methodology now includes fuel cell technologies and raises awareness of noise pollution. This evening honors the Y.C.M. racing members who have distinguished themselves on waters around the world. For the first time, two of them have reached the finals of the America's Cup. Ineos Britannia, led by Sir Jim Ratcliffe, won the Louis Vuitton Cup, while the Defender, Emirates Team New Zealand, supported by Matteo de Nora, triumphed in the final for the third consecutive edition. "2024 was a very good year for us sport wise. It was very special for the America's Cup, we are very proud of the results", added YCM General Secretary, Bernard D'Alessandri.
Sporting performances are also synonymous with adventures for the Y.C.M. which supports Boris Herrmann, engaged in his second Vendée Globe aboard Malizia - Seaexplorer. Herrmann's adventure it is one of the first events in 2025 calendar for the Club : "In February, we'll be waiting for the result of the Vendée Globe and in July the Admirals Cup will be back. These two events will be the major regattas for this upcoming year", said D'Alessandri. Established in 1957, The Admiral's Cup is honoured throughout the world of sailing as the unofficial world cup for offshore racing and is making its return after a 22-year absence.
After awarding HRH Prince Charles de Bourbon des Deux Siciles for his ninth victory in the Smeralda 888 International Championship 2024, and Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio, winner of the Monegasque J/70 Championship, the ceremony ended with the YCM Awards-UBS Trophy being presented. Joost Schuijff, 1st in the Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Championship, Vladimir Prosikhin, RC44 world champion, Kostia Belkin, winner of the Vele d'Epoca, Benoît de Froidmont, IMA Maxi European vice-champion, Graeme Peterson, ClubSwan50 vice-champion and Massimiliano Ferruzzi, winner of the Grandie Regate Internazionali, were among the nominees. Peterson won the precious distinction, a first since he started sailing under the club colours. "I feel quite excited and it feels unexpected. I'm delighted and it's a real honor to be awarded it, so I'm really pleased for all the effort we put in it with my family and team", said Peterson. Among the youngest, Océane Schroeder created a surprise. Winner in the women's category of the Coupe Internationale de Printemps in La Rochelle, the young sailor was deeply moved to receive the YCM Youth Awards – UBS Trophy. Driven by the passion and excellence of its members, the Yacht Club de Monaco has established itself as a flagship institution, at the crossroads of innovation, heritage and sustainability.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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