INVNT® Celebrates Unprecedented Global Growth, Impact, and Innovation in 2024
The global leader in innovation-led brand storytelling, INVNT®, celebrates a transformative 2024, redefining brand storytelling for iconic brands like General Motors, Oracle, Live Nation, Samsung, Netflix, SXSW, Amazon, and more.
New York, NY, Dec. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- INVNT®, the global leader in innovation-led brand storytelling, marks a year of transformative growth across international markets, delivering exceptional results for the world’s leading brands including General Motors, Oracle, Live Nation, Samsung, Netflix, SXSW, Xero, FanCode, Amazon, Asian Paints, Castrol, and more.
"Since our inception, 16 years ago, INVNT’s mission has always been to shatter conventions and ignite global communities with bold, unforgettable brand storytelling," said Scott Cullather, President and CEO of INVNT. "This year, we didn't just expand our footprint across South Asia, APAC, EMEA, and beyond—we revolutionized it. By fusing relentless creativity with novel strategic and creative approaches, we’re not just making history, we’re rewriting the playbook for how brands engage audiences worldwide."
INVNT continued to grow its offerings across Experiences, Innovation, Digital, and Higher Education. The agency invested heavily in building its Event Management capabilities delivering comprehensive logistics, operations planning, and project management to create unparalleled experiences for physical and virtual audiences.
“We're transforming event and meeting management with bold, integrated solutions that push boundaries, elevate stakeholders, and create unforgettable experiences for attendees," said Petrina Rosholt (CMP), Vice President of Account Services and Event Management.
The year was marked by groundbreaking achievements, including the historic launch of Mad Dog Jones’ digital art campaign aboard the International Space Station, AI-driven advancements for legacy clients like SHRM, the production of Oracle CloudWorld and the inaugural Oracle Health Summit, as well as global enterprise AI product launches for Microsoft and PwC. Partnering with Cheil Worldwide, INVNT delivered the #PlayGalaxy Cup, highlighting the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra's exceptional Esports gaming capabilities on a global stage, and amassing over 1 million viewers as the most-watched stream of TwitchCon 2024.
INVNT turned one of Australia’s busiest beach crossings into a nostalgic walk down memory lane to announce Pearl Jam’s first Australian tour in over a decade. The agency also unveiled the world’s fastest Corvette and produced General Motors’ flagship Investor Relations event, delivering significant business impact. Building on this success, General Motors awarded the agency high-profile programs, including the Cadillac Escalade IQ & OPTIQ media drive, and Escalade IQL debut.
In South Asia, INVNT partnered with Asian Paints to craft a bold new positioning and visual identity, and with FanCode to launch HP Performance Wear alongside international cricketer Hardik Pandya at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mumbai. Maharashtra Forest Department awarded the agency a one-of-a-kind, 10-minute multi-sensory experience on forestry and culture in Maharashtra. INVNT will also deliver a permanent, immersive, interactive welcome center at the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in Chandrapur, India.
The agency strengthened its entertainment portfolio with noteworthy projects, including supporting live experiences for Netflix’s Squid Game Season 2 launch in Sydney and collaborating with Live Nation on a viral projection-mapping campaign to announce The Weeknd’s 2024 Australian tour.
INVNT also produced PMI’s sponsorship activation at MotoGP’s season finale in Valencia and is set to unveil a digital asset campaign for ABB Motion, launching during the Formula E race in Mexico.
Since its inaugural launch in Australia last year, SXSW Sydney’s Discovery Stage has been powered by INVNT, curating and showcasing over 100 speakers, in a dynamic lineup of future-focused conversations. The agency debuted it’s first podcast, On The Moon, with an 18-episode series recorded live at SXSW Sydney ’24, featuring leaders from Uber, Spotify, Canva, UNICEF, Commonwealth Bank, SAP, and more. Further highlights include immersive projects for Levi’s, American Express, LinkedIn’s Talent Connect Series APAC, and the launch of a Xero AI Music Factory at Xerocon 2024.
INVNT also renewed its Creative Agency of Record status for SHRM, in addition to being awarded Media Buying Agency of Record. The agency expanded its higher education portfolio with campaigns for Duke University, MIT Sloan, and Lafayette College.
“This year has been marked by innovation-driven experiences that push boundaries and deliver measurable impact for our clients worldwide,” said Kristina McCoobery, COO of INVNT. “From AI-powered activations to space-bound campaigns, game-changing partnerships, and a strategic focus on Event Management growth, INVNT continues to lead the industry with creativity, technology, and vision - powered by our global team in 10 offices, across 7 countries.”
As the agency heads into 2025, INVNT will power projects for Samsung and Hitachi Vantara at CES 2025 in Las Vegas.
On a mission to put a brand on the moon. INVNT® is an international, interdisciplinary, and integrated agency united by brand storytelling. Helping challenger brands and organizations impact audiences, dent culture, and make history. Led by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, INVNT amplifies globally with offices in New York (HQ), Sydney, Singapore, Mumbai, London, Dubai, San Francisco, Stockholm, Detroit, and Washington D.C. For more Information visit
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