Olon Continues its Growth Path and Announces a New Acquisition
Olon, the leading chemical-pharmaceutical group in the production and development of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and part of the holding company P&R, continues its growth path and announces a new venture: it will acquire HuvePharma Italia Srl and its site in Garessio, (Cuneo, Italy) with a significant increase in its total production capacity
MILAN, Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The acquisition plan involves a complete operational integration of Huvepharma Italia Srl and a plan to revive the production potential of the Garessio plant and, through the development of new business opportunities, bring it to full production capacity. With this latest acquisition, the Group now totals nine manufacturing plants in Italy alone and a total reaction capacity of 3,250 cubic metres. In terms of presence, extent of manufacturing network and installed volume, it emerges as one of the most important industrial players on the national and European scene by size and production potential.
Huvepharma Italia Srl, with its plant in Garessio (Cuneo, Piedmont), operates in the development, industrialisation, production via chemical synthesis, and marketing of active ingredients for pharmaceutical use, as well as advanced intermediates.
The company, and its site, is a well-established player in the pharmaceutical chemicals market with extensive experience in the development and production of APIs, and in tracking the introduction and adoption of new technologies. For example, the Garessio plant, with half of its production lines being fully automated, has in recent years developed the production of an important antimalarial product through advanced photo-oxidation technology and the manufacture of nanoparticles.
The site was owned by Sanofi and since 2016 by Huvepharma Italia Srl, part of Huvepharma EOOD group.
Since its inception, the Olon Group has pursued a strategy of growth, consolidation and expansion on the global market, both internally and externally, through acquisitions.
The expertise of the acquired companies has from time to time enriched the company's offer, thus increasing its competitiveness. In full continuity with this strategy, and with the specific objective of expanding its production potential and thus its presence in the global market for active ingredients, Olon has acquired Huvepharma Italia.
The aim of the transaction is to strengthen and broaden the product offering with a focus on the most strategic areas. The acquisition of Huvepharma Italia constitutes a significant further step forward in terms of capacity growth. The plan envisages the integration and valorisation in its entirety of all assets: facilities, workforce, and product portfolio.
“We recognised in Huvepharma Italia all the right characteristics,” commented Paolo Tubertini, CEO of Olon Group. “The acquisition supports the implementation of the Group's medium to long term strategy and the achievement of our business objectives. We will capitalise on the integration with Olon's existing manufacturing network, which already includes 12 sites worldwide and 7 integrated and interconnected research centres, with our consolidated customer portfolio, which includes all the major pharmaceutical companies in the market, and our solid reputation as a partner and API supplier.”
Press contact:
Sabrina Spina
sspina@olonspa.it – mobile 338.6674289
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/14bbc334-0da0-4b3b-bcdc-c0e8a5e7e2f1
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