Preliminary Injunction Issued in favor of 2ONE® Nicotine Pouches Against Zone Pouches
Preliminary Injunction Issued in favor of 2ONE® Nicotine Pouches Against Zone Pouches - Imperial are enjoined from engaging in any future sales of the [Zone] product bearing the Bullseye Mark or any colorable imitation or mark confusingly similar product connected with oral nicotine
LAKE TAHOE, Nev., Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 2ONE Labs and Performance Plus Marketing ('PPM') have been granted a favorable Preliminary Injunction (‘PI') Order relating to the ongoing trademark dispute between 2ONE® nicotine pouches and Zone branded products being sold in the USA. As a result of the Dec. 20th, 2024, Court Order, Imperial's Zone nicotine pouches may not be shipped to trade partners in the USA.
Vincent Schuman, CEO of 2ONE Labs stated, “This ruling is very significant, as it forbids Imperial Brands from continuing to sell Zone pouches in the USA until such time the current 2ONE® trademark litigation is resolved. In granting the motion in favor or 2ONE®, the Judge noted, “Defendants [Imperial] are enjoined from engaging in any future sale of product bearing the Bullseye Mark, or any colorable imitation thereof or any mark confusingly similar thereto in connection with oral nicotine products.” (Case No: CV 24-08124-MWF (Ex) Title: 2ONE Labs Inc., et al. v. ITG Brands, LLC, et al.)
Schuman adds, “We are extremely pleased the Court made the correct decision in granting this PI. This is an extraordinary remedy for 2ONE® and sets the stage for 2ONE® prevailing at trial on the merits of its trademark violation claims against Imperial.”
Schuman further noted, “We always act in the best interests of our consumers and our trade partners, so 2ONE® sought this PI because Imperial acted unfairly when it deliberately flooded the market with Zone pouch products, resulting in confusion and irreparable harm to consumers seeking our product at retail and with wholesale and retail partners who have been clear advocates for the 2ONE® brand from the beginning.
This ruling affirms our belief that the launch of Zone pouches in late 2023 created enough trademark confusion from which Imperial was able to grow its sales on the back of 2ONE's brand name, imagery, adult consumer awareness and the goodwill 2ONE® had built with customers.
With Zone effectively out of the market, we expect to recapture and grow the 2ONE® presence in many more retail outlets nationwide. Customers should reach out directly to 2ONE Labs ( or PPM (, 1-888-942-5350) to discuss ongoing opportunities selling 2ONE®.”
About 2ONE Labs Inc: Founded by pioneers in synthetic nicotine production, 2ONE Labs specializes in providing the most innovative flavorful tobacco-free oral nicotine products to adult consumers seeking an alternative to other tobacco products. For more information, contact
2ONE® is a registered trademark of 2ONE Labs Inc., Lake Tahoe, NV. All Rights Reserved. For more information, contact
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