BlueCat appoints Scott Fulton as Chief Product and Technology Officer
An accomplished executive, he will lead the next phase of product development and growth
TORONTO, March 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BlueCat Networks, a leading provider of secure and automated DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (collectively known as DDI) services and solutions for mission-critical networks, announced that Scott Fulton has joined the company as its new Chief Product and Technology Officer (CPTO).
Fulton brings more than 25 years of enterprise software product management and engineering leadership experience to the role. Recently, he was a founder and CEO of venture-backed cloud observability start-up OpsCruise. Under his leadership, OpsCruise developed patented artificial intelligence and machine learning technology, won Fortune 500 customers, and was recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor. The company was acquired in June 2023.
Prior to that, Fulton was an executive vice president at Infoblox. While in that role, he was responsible for products and corporate development during a transformational period that included the introduction of several security, cloud, and service provider offerings. Earlier in his career, Fulton held general management roles at BladeLogic/BMC Software and Hewlett Packard’s management software group.
“Scott’s proven track record in driving innovation and scaling product management aligns well with our plans to greatly accelerate growth,” said BlueCat CEO Stephen Devito. “Under Scott’s leadership, our industry-recognized portfolio will continue to deliver the flexibility and control organizations need to modernize and optimize their networks for change.”
“I’m thrilled to be joining a world-class organization that’s innovating both organically and acquisitively and has a reputation for strong customer and employee engagement,” said Fulton. “Many of the secular trends in technology are creating new challenges for enterprise networking. I’m eager to collaborate with BlueCat’s talented team, senior leadership, and Audax Private Equity to help drive the company to the next level.”
About BlueCat
BlueCat provides core services and solutions that help customers accelerate network modernization in any environment. With BlueCat, organizations can build reliable, secure, and agile mission-critical networks that can support transformation initiatives such as cloud adoption and automation. BlueCat’s growing portfolio includes services and solutions for automated and unified DDI management, network security, multicloud management, and network observability and health. BlueCat’s DDI management platform was recognized as a market leader and outperformer in GigaOm’s 2022 and 2023 Radar reports. The company is headquartered in Toronto and New York and has additional offices in Germany, Iceland, Japan, Singapore, Serbia, and the United Kingdom. Learn more at
About Audax Private Equity
Based in Boston and San Francisco, Audax Private Equity is a leading capital partner for middle and lower middle market companies that seeks to facilitate transformational growth. With approximately $19 billion of assets under management, over 250 employees, and 100-plus investment professionals, the firm has invested in more than 170 platforms and 1,250 add-on acquisitions since its founding in 1999. Through our disciplined Buy & Build approach, across six core industry verticals, Audax helps portfolio companies execute organic and inorganic growth initiatives that fuel revenue expansion, optimize operations, and significantly increase equity value. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn.
Pierre Hamilton
Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
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