Hummingbird Bioscience Licenses Novel Antibodies to Immunome
SAN FRANCISCO and SINGAPORE, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hummingbird Bioscience, a precision biotherapeutics company discovering and developing transformative biologics for hard-to-treat diseases, today announced it has granted Immunome, Inc. (Nasdaq: IMNM), a biotechnology company focused on developing first-in-class and best-in-class targeted cancer therapies, an exclusive, worldwide license to monoclonal antibodies that are directed to a single undisclosed target.
Under the terms of the license agreement, Immunome will be responsible for the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of products incorporating these antibodies. Hummingbird Bioscience will receive an upfront payment and will be eligible for future development and commercial milestone payments, as well as royalties.
“This agreement underlines the value of Hummingbird Bioscience's epitope-focused antibody discovery capabilities. We are pleased to have licensed one of our monoclonal antibodies to Immunome, a team experienced in developing and commercializing novel ADC therapies. The team's capabilities make them a great partner to further advance these antibodies,” said Piers Ingram, PhD, Chief Executive Officer of Hummingbird Bioscience. “Hummingbird Bioscience is committed to advancing our pipeline of preclinical novel drug candidates and clinical-stage therapies to offer patients potentially new transformative biologics for hard-to-treat diseases.”
Hummingbird Bioscience's Rational Antibody Discovery (RAD) platform uses proprietary AI-enabled algorithms, immunization strategies and Abvantage™ mice to accelerate discovery of epitope-specific, high affinity antibodies. The platform's integrated workflow is designed to focus antibody responses to optimal functionally relevant epitopes, and multiple RAD-derived therapeutics are currently in clinical development or have been partnered.
About Hummingbird Bioscience
Hummingbird Bioscience is a precision biotherapeutics company discovering and developing transformative biologics for hard-to-treat diseases. To address key challenges with current antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) therapies, Hummingbird Bioscience is building a pipeline of next-generation ADCs using its proprietary antibody discovery and linker/payload platforms. The company has a pipeline of ADCs in preclinical development and other novel biologics including monoclonal antibodies, HMBD-001 (anti-HER3 mAb) and HMBD-002 (anti-VISTA mAb) in Phase I and an out-licensed ADC (HMBD-501) that will enter the clinic in 2025. The Hummingbird Bioscience approach combines computational and systems biology with wet lab drug discovery in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative environment spanning initial discovery through clinical development. The company harnesses this integrated approach across target identification and patient selection, enabling the team to increase the efficiency of translating novel scientific insights while reducing the inherent risk in drug discovery and development. At Hummingbird Bioscience, the commitment to rigorous science, teamwork and intellectual integrity underpins our passion to accelerate the journey of new drugs from concept to clinic.
For more information, please visit, and follow Hummingbird Bioscience on LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and YouTube.
Crystal Ho
+65 6979 5580
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