Founder Group Secures Letter of Award Valued at US$4.5 Million for Floating Solar Farm Project in Ma
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Founder Group Limited (NASDAQ: FGL) (“Founder Group” or the “Company”), a leading engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning (EPCC) solutions provider for solar photovoltaic systems in Malaysia, is pleased to announce that it has secured a Letter of Award (LOA) worth RM20 million (approximately US$4.5 million) for the construction of a floating solar farm in Kuala Langat, Selangor, Malaysia.
Spanning approximately 24 acres, this project, utilizing floating photovoltaic (FPV) technology, is designed to generate 9.99MWac/15.033625MWp of solar power. This cutting-edge FPV technology, which involves solar panels mounted on floating platforms in bodies of water, helps reduce land usage while maximizing energy generation. The project is expected to significantly contribute to land conservation, preserve natural habitats, and reinforce Founder Group's mission of delivering innovative, eco-friendly energy solutions. It further underscores the Company's commitment to advancing carbon neutrality.
Founder Group will serve as a sub-contractor, responsible for supplying labor, hand tools, materials, and necessary machinery and equipment to support the execution of General Conditions Preliminaries & Consultation. The floating solar farm is expected to be completed by June 30, 2025.
“We are proud to be selected as a key subcontractor for this innovative floating solar farm project. We look forward to continuing our collaboration on this and future projects, as we work together to support Malaysia's renewable energy goals and promote a greener, more sustainable future and contribute to the further growth of Founder Group,” said Lee Seng Chi, Chief Executive Officer of Founder Group Limited.
About Founder Group Limited
Founder Group Limited is a pure-play, end-to-end EPCC solutions provider for solar PV facilities in Malaysia. The company's primary focus is on two key segments: large-scale solar projects and commercial and industrial (C&I) solar projects. The company's mission is to provide customers with innovative solar installation services, promote eco-friendly resources and achieve carbon-neutrality.
For more information on the Company, please visit
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current expectations and views of future events. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including those listed under “Risk Factors” in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. You can identify some of these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to,” “potential,” “continue” or other similar expressions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.
For media queries, please contact:
Founder Group Limited
Investor Relations Inquiries:
Skyline Corporate Communications Group, LLC
Scott Powell, President
1177 Avenue of the Americas, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10036
Office: (646) 893-5835
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