Sportradar Reports Notable Decline in Match-Fixing in 2024
Significant drop in suspicious matches detected in Europe and Africa; corruption in soccer decreased globally
ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, Jan. 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After consecutive years of detecting rising numbers of suspicious matches, match-fixing at all levels of global sport registered a notable decline in 2024, according to the annual integrity report (Integrity in Action 2024 Global Analysis & Trends) published by Sportradar Integrity Services, a unit of Sportradar (NASDAQ:SRAD).
Throughout 2024, Sportradar Integrity Services monitored more than 850,000 matches across 70 sports worldwide and 1,108 suspicious matches were identified, a 17% decrease from 2023. The highest number of suspicious matches were found across Europe, the region historically facing the most significant integrity issues. However, the year still ended with a 34% reduction in suspicious matches overall in this territory with 439 matches identified compared to 668 in 2023. Africa also finished with a considerable decline with 69 suspicious matches detected, a 36% decrease from 108 matches the year before.
Notably, the world's most popular sport, soccer, saw a considerable downturn, with 721 suspicious matches detected in 2024, a reduction of 18% from 881 matches in 2023. Moreover, Brazilian soccer, which has been affected by match-fixing cases in recent years, recorded a marked decrease of 48% with 57 suspicious matches discovered last year, down from 110 in 2023. Nevertheless, despite the overall reduction in the number of suspicious matches detected, match-fixing remains a persistent issue worldwide.
Sportradar uses advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) through its Universal Fraud Detection System (UFDS) to monitor competitions and identify irregular betting patterns. While AI flags unusual activity, such as substantial wagers on unlikely outcomes, Sportradar's team of integrity experts is crucial in confirming match-fixing activities for further investigation.
Andreas Krannich, Executive Vice President, Integrity, Rights Protection & Regulatory Services, Sportradar, said: “While the notable reduction in suspicious matches in 2024 gives us reason to be optimistic, it also signals the need for continued vigilance and innovation, given that the number remains significant.”
"Our investment in innovation combined with data insights into the betting industry and continued education on integrity are at the forefront of keeping pace with the ever-evolving global sports integrity landscape. We remain committed to refining our methods and capabilities and collaborating across the sports and betting industries to support foundational fair play and safeguard the integrity of sports worldwide," explained Krannich.
During 2024, Sportradar provided integrity support for major global events such as the IOC 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, UEFA EURO 2024, CONMEBOL Copa America 2024 and AFC Asian Cup 2023, showcasing its advanced bet monitoring and intelligence capabilities. In July, the company partnered with the ATP and Tennis Data Innovations to launch an AI-driven safe sport solution to protect athletes from online abuse, highlighting its commitment to using innovation to address wider integrity issues in sport.
Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD), founded in 2001, is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with a best-in-class range of solutions to help grow their business. As the trusted partner of organizations like the ATP, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UEFA, FIFA, CONMEBOL and Bundesliga, Sportradar covers close to a million events annually across all major sports. With deep industry relationships and expertise, Sportradar is not just redefining the sports fan experience, it also safeguards sports through its Integrity Services division and advocacy for an integrity-driven environment for all involved.
For more information about Sportradar, please visit
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