Yaqrit appoints new CEO Troels Jordansen to implement late clinical development and commercial strat
- Experienced private and public listed CEO
- Successful fund raising and business development track record
- New CEO available during JPM25 in San Francisco
LONDON, Jan. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yaqrit, a late-stage biotech and medtech company developing lifesaving treatments for advanced liver diseases, announced today that Troels Jordansen has joined Yaqrit as Chief Executive Officer. The company is preparing several late-stage trials of its products for the treatment of complications associated with advanced liver disease and preparing to launch a phase 3 study.
Mr Jordansen takes over from Professor Rajiv Jalan, Yaqrit’s Founder and Interim CEO. “The appointment of Troels Jordansen as CEO is a key step for Yaqrit in assembling a powerful and experienced management team to realize the value of the pipeline of drugs and devices addressing unmet needs,” said Jalan. “Troels brings Yaqrit a great deal of experience in strategic planning and executing partnerships with companies developing complex advanced therapies.” Rajiv Jalan continues to guide Yaqrit’s progress leading the clinical and scientific development.
“I am excited to join Yaqrit at this critical point in its development as an advanced liver disease company. Momentum is building in new Yaqrit: a broadening late-stage pipeline with multiple shots on goal, each supported by significant nondilutive grants, active business development, and an improving competitive environment. My first priority is to assemble an effective and experienced team working on clinical and corporate development,” said Troels Jordansen. “The year ahead will be crucial for the company in both defining the potential of our assets and engaging partners in fully exploiting their utility.”
Troels Jordansen has been part of management teams raising over €200 million for public and private companies and closing deals valued at €500 million. Before joining Yaqrit, Mr Jordansen was CEO of Glycostem Therapeutics, overseeing fund-raising for clinical development in NK cell cancer therapies, manufacturing capabilities and licensing. Before that, as CEO and Managing Director he transformed the Australian public company Clinical Cell Culture into a recognized global leader in cellular skin repair. His life sciences career includes management and executive roles with IsoTis, Genzyme Tissue Repair, and Johnson & Johnson Orthopaedic. Mr Jordansen is Founding Partner of Altius Bioventures and Executive Chairman of KELI Therapeutics.
Representatives from the company management, including Troels Jordansen, will be available during JPM25 in San Francisco, January 13-16, 2025.
Contact Company
Troels Jordansen
Email: Troels@Yaqrit.com
Tel: +31 6 1934 5326
Contact Investors
Mary-Ann Chang
Email: Mary-Ann@Yaqrit.com
Tel: +44 7483 284 853
About Yaqrit
Yaqrit is a clinical-stage company discovering and developing innovative treatments for patients with advanced liver disease at high risk of hospitalization and death. Yaqrit’s pipeline includes novel therapeutics in phase 2 / 3 clinical trials and two medical devices entering registrational trials providing acute and chronic treatments for advanced cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure, where there is an urgent need for more effective treatments. More information is available at www.Yaqrit.com. Follow us on LinkedIn.
About Decompensated Cirrhosis
In over 10 million patients worldwide per year, liver cirrhosis progresses from an asymptomatic (compensated) form to the decompensated form, at which point the liver can no longer undertake its usual functions. This leads to complications such as jaundice, infections, encephalopathy, ascites and bleeding. The most severe form of decompensation is the occurrence of multiorgan failure, a condition referred to as acute-on-chronic liver failure. These complications lead to increased morbidity with median survival falling from more than 12 years for compensated cirrhosis to about two-three years for decompensated cirrhosis and less than 3-months for those with multiorgan failure.
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