Prestigious Scientific Event: Hong Kong Laureate Forum 2025
Calling Outstanding Young Scientists in Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences!
HONG KONG, Jan. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global application for the Hong Kong Laureate Forum 2025 (the Forum) now opens and will close on 31 March 2025. We invite applications from PhD graduates, postgraduate (PhD / Master) students, as well as undergraduate students aged 35 or below who are pursuing studies or research in Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, Mathematical Sciences, or other closely related fields. Eligible applicants are encouraged to submit their applications via

The inaugural Forum offered a world-class platform, providing an opportunity for scientists from around the world for cross-generational, cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary exchanges and inspiring new ideas.
The inaugural Forum, successfully held in 2023, received widespread acclaim for its vibrant discussions and intellectual exchanges among participants, Shaw Laureates, and other distinguished scientists from around the world. Building on the success, the Council of the Hong Kong Laureate Forum (the HKLF) is pleased to announce the second edition of the Forum will be held from 5-8 November 2025 in Hong Kong. The Forum aims to inspire new ideas and foster long-lasting connections across disciplines, generations and cultures. In addition to plenary lectures, panel discussions and parallel group sessions, the Forum will feature informal gatherings, providing ample opportunities for networking and dialogues.
Professor Timothy W Tong, SBS, BBS, JP, Chairman of the HKLF said, “We aim to foster a dynamic environment where young scientists can engage with leading scientists from around the world across various disciplines. Hong Kong’s unique position as an international hub for scientific research, combined with its strong scientific infrastructure and government support, makes it the ideal location for such a global science gathering among participants.”
Professor E Peter Greenberg, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2015 said: “I think it’s a wonderful thing to be able to bring well-heeled scientists together with young people that are trying to find their way, and it’s something that I felt I had to participate in.”
Professor Simon D M White, Shaw Laureate in Astronomy 2017 said: “I'm just looking forward to meeting the young people and talking to them. I think that's what the Forum should be about and that's certainly what I am looking forward to.”
The most outstanding 200 young scientists will be selected to join the Forum by a Scientific Review Panel comprising local and international academics. We invite interested candidates to apply by 31 March 2025. For more information, please visit For enquiries, please contact
About the Hong Kong Laureate Forum
The Hong Kong Laureate Forum (the Forum) is a world-class scientific exchange and networking event to be organised by the HKLF to aspire and connect the current and future leaders in scientific pursuit. The Forum also aims to promote understanding and interests of the young generation in Hong Kong and beyond in various disciplines in science and technology, in particular Astronomy, Life Science and Medicine, and Mathematical Sciences.
The HKLF was established in May 2019 and is fully sponsored by the Lee Shau Kee Foundation. Driven by a commitment to advance its mission far and wide, the Lee Shau Kee Foundation has, over the years, offered boundless support for education and talent development in Hong Kong, mainland China, and abroad. Additionally, the Foundation is dedicated to poverty relief and promoting social well-being, thereby benefiting countless individuals. The Shaw Prize Foundation, which organises the annual renowned international award, namely The Shaw Prize, is the major partner of the HKLF. Since its launch, the HKLF has been putting every effort to promote science in the community and around the world.
Media Enquiry
Sabrina Wu
Tel: (852) 2905 6504
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YouTube: | Hong Kong Laureate Forum |
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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