Avance Clinical Leads as the CRO of Choice for Early Phase Clinical Trials in Australia – Announced
WAKE FOREST, N.C. and ADELAIDE, Australia, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avance Clinical, a leading full-service global Contract Research Organization (CRO) known for delivering high-quality, agile clinical research services, is proud to announce it is the CRO of choice for early phase clinical trials in Australia with more than 52% of market share.
Avance Clinical Australia leads in the active Phase I trials, registered on clinical trial registry ANZCTR (as of 17 December 2024). More than 80% of Avance Clinical clients are US biotechs.
Book a meeting with the Avance Clinical team at Biotech Showcase.
This success is a direct result of its three decades of experience and proven track-record in delivering high-quality, cost-effective, and efficient clinical trial services for biotech companies worldwide.
Australia’s clinical trial environment, coupled with Avance Clinical's deep scientific and regulatory expertise, enables biotechs to significantly reduce both the time and cost of getting therapies to market.
Avance Clinical’s operations in Australia is renowned for its fast Phase I startup times with approvals of around five weeks – one of the quickest timelines globally.
Additionally, biotechs conducting trials in Australia with Avance Clinical benefit from the country’s lucrative rebate of more than 40% on eligible clinical trial spend, making it one of the most attractive financial incentives worldwide. Australia does not require an open IND which means even faster study activations offering significant cost and time benefits.
Known for providing high-quality data and world-class in-house regulatory affairs planning, Avance Clinical is also highly regarded for its ability to navigate complex clinical development challenges while maintaining flexible, solution-oriented approaches.
"Our clients often tell us they choose Avance Clinical because of our hands-on, agile approach and the seamless integration we provide between early-phase trials in Australia and later-phase trials in the US and Asia," said Liahna Toy, Vice President of Commercial Business Development at Avance Clinical. "This allows our clients to focus on their science, while we handle the complex logistics, ensuring they meet key milestones without unnecessary delays."
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen said Avance Clinical’s North American and Asia offices (Taiwan and South Korea) offer expansive patient access for later stage multi-regional studies.
“This global reach ensures Avance Clinical is well-positioned to support biotechs as they move from early-phase to later-phase trials, leveraging speed, efficiency, and a deep understanding of diverse patient populations,” she said.
Meet the Avance Clinical leadership team in San Francisco, at Biotech Showcase 13-15 January 2025.
About Avance Clinical
Avance Clinical is a leading Contract Research Organization (CRO) offering biotech companies faster, more flexible, and higher-quality clinical trial services. Avance Clinical is the largest premium full-service Australian headquartered CRO delivering quality clinical trials, with globally accepted data, in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, North America and Europe for international biotechs. With 30 years of experience, Avance Clinical supports clients with comprehensive clinical research services, specializing in early to late phase clinical trials. With experience across more than 250 indications, the CRO can deliver world-class results and high-quality internationally accepted data for FDA and EMA review.
The company is a recipient of the Frost & Sullivan Global & APAC CRO Market Leadership & Customer Value Leadership Awards for the past five years. Avance Clinical provides services from pre-clinical through to mid and late-phase clinical trials, including the benefit of Australia’s 43.5% government incentive and rapid start-up regulatory processes.
Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like Medidata, Oracle, and Medrio, Avance Clinical ensures the most effective trial processes for its clients, delivering high-quality data for FDA and EMA review.
For more information, visit Avance Clinical.
Find out more:
- Discover Avance Clinical’s Asia Advantage
- Get into clinic faster with Avance Clinical’s ClinicReady service
- Learn about Avance Clinical’s GlobalReady model
- Speak with our clinical trial experts about your upcoming study
Media Contact:
Avance Clinical
Kate Thompson
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