Floship Honored With Deloitte Rising Star Award
HONG KONG, Jan. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Floship, a leading global circular supply chain solution provider for e-commerce brands, is thrilled to announce that it has been recognized as a Deloitte Rising Star Company awardee at the prestigious Hong Kong’s Technology & Rising Star (HKTF) program. The award was presented to Floship at an exclusive ceremony held last night, marking a significant milestone for the company.
The Deloitte HKTF program, a sub-program of Deloitte China Technology Fast, serves as a platform for fast-growing and innovative local enterprises to showcase their market eminence, network with successful peers, and garner wider recognition while enhancing their talent brand across the Asia Pacific region. This accolade underscores Floship's commitment to innovation and rapid growth in the technology and business sectors.
Expressing his elation, Floship CEO Joshua Tsui stated, "Receiving the Deloitte Rising Star Award is a tremendous honor for Floship. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team, as well as the trust and support of our valued clients and partners. This recognition reinforces our position as a leader in the industry and motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and achieving greater success.”
As a Rising Star awardee, Floship now joins the ranks of esteemed previous HKTF winners such as WeLab, Klook, Tencent, and Bytedance. This recognition further solidifies Floship's position among the most innovative and promising companies in the region and reflects the company's commitment to excellence and forward-thinking e-commerce logistics solutions.
This accolade comes at a time of significant expansion and advancement for Floship, as the company continues to redefine the logistics and supply chain landscape through cutting-edge technology and unparalleled service offerings. The award serves as a validation of Floship's commitment to delivering exceptional value to its clients and establishing a growing global presence.
Floship looks forward to leveraging this recognition to further enhance its market positioning and drive continued success in the industry as it shifts into the next phase of its expansion across the Greater Bay Area, Asia Pacific, and the EMEA region.
About Floship
Floship’s global circular supply chain ecosystem solutions cover all aspects of the global supply chain, ensuring minimal operation effort for e-commerce businesses, and allowing business owners to concentrate on driving growth with investment flexibility while gaining peace of mind. Learn more at www.floship.com or follow us on LinkedIn.
Media Contact
James Linacre,
PR & Communications Lead
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