STACK Infrastructure Announces 220MW Campus in Malaysia
STACK strengthens its APAC presence with a cutting-edge development in Johor Bahru
SINGAPORE, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STACK Infrastructure (“STACK”), the digital infrastructure partner to the world’s most innovative companies and a leading global developer and operator of data centers, today announced its entry into Malaysia, recognized as the fastest-growing data center market in Asia-Pacific. The new 220MW campus in Johor Bahru’s Iskandar Puteri expands STACK’s footprint to the largest market in Southeast Asia, addressing the region’s increasing demand for hyperscale digital infrastructure.
Johor’s data center market is a premier destination for hyperscalers, offering scalable power, strategic Southeast Asian connectivity, government-backed incentives, and competitive operating costs. STACK's 220MW flagship Johor Bahru campus spans 10.8 hectares and will feature two facilities totaling 1 million square feet, designed to support cloud and AI/ML workloads. Scheduled for initial delivery in Q4 2026, the campus will be powered by TNB's (Tenaga Nasional Berhad) 275kV infrastructure, supported by an on-site substation, to ensure scalable and reliable energy for sustained growth.
“We are excited to bring STACK’s proven expertise to Malaysia’s rapidly growing data center market,” said Preet Gona, CEO, STACK APAC. “As part of our continued expansion across APAC, our Johor Bahru campus strengthens our ability to meet clients’ strategic needs in both established and emerging Tier 1 markets, while fostering economic growth within the local community.”
The first building, a 120MW two-story data center with a multi-level external electrical yard, will be complemented by a second 100MW facility. Engineered for maximum flexibility, both facilities offer various deployment models including shell, build-to-suit, and turnkey solutions to meet diverse client needs. Located in an established data center park, 10 minutes from the Malaysia-Singapore border crossing, the campus features redundant points of entry and a fiber ring connectivity to multiple telco networks, ensuring seamless growth for innovators in this strategically important market.
This milestone underscores STACK’s continued growth in the Asia-Pacific region, joining its established presence in the key Tier 1 markets of Australia, Japan, and South Korea. With the flagship Johor Bahru campus, STACK advances its commitment to delivering flexible digital infrastructure, empowering hyperscale clients, and driving sustainable growth in high-growth markets throughout APAC.
STACK provides digital infrastructure to scale the world’s most innovative companies. With a client-first approach, STACK delivers a comprehensive suite of campus, build-to-suit, colocation, and powered shell solutions in the Americas, EMEA, and APAC regions. With robust existing and flexible expansion capacity in the leading availability zones, STACK offers the scale and geographic reach that rapidly growing hyperscale and enterprise companies need. The world runs on data. Data runs on STACK.
For more information about STACK, please visit:
Media Contacts
Sammer Khalaf
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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