World's Largest Pyro Drone Show to Illuminate Hanoi's Sky on New Year's Eve 2025
HANOI, Vietnam, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After the success of the 2024 Hanoi Art Light Festival, Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam), along with sponsoring partners, will continue its collaboration with Hanoi People’s Committee to bring back the “Glamour Thang Long” art programme. The event’s highlight will be the largest Pyrodrone show in the world, featuring 2,025 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), setting a Guinness World Record-setting pyro drone display. Scheduled for 28 January 2025 (Lunar New Year’s Eve), with a rehearsal on 26 January, the event will take place at My Dinh Square, My Dinh National Stadium. It will be broadcast live on Hanoi Television, with a special segment on Vietnam Television’s (VTV) New Year’s Eve broadcast.
"Glamour Thang Long" is set to become one of Hanoi’s most significant cultural events in 2025. This world-class spectacle will debut with the innovative combination of pyro drones and high-altitude fireworks, accompanied by a distinguished artistic programme, promising an extraordinary aerial light display. Anticipated to attract over 1,000,000 live spectators with millions viewing via television and social media, it will showcase Vietnam’s cultural innovation and technological progress, positioning Hanoi as a renowned global light destination alongside Vivid Sydney (Australia) and Fête des Lumières (France).

“Glamour Thang Long 2025" - Hanoi's highlight event in 2025 (Source: Corex)
Under the theme “Glorious Springs”, the programme will highlight the beauty of spring through inspirational stories of renewal, love, family reunions, and moments of national pride. Featuring A-list Vietnamese celebrities, it blends traditional and modern performances with an interactive musical theatre experience, showcasing Hanoi’s cultural heritage in a contemporary light. Audiences are in for a world-record drone fireworks show this New Year's Eve in Hanoi, with advanced South Korean technology orchestrating a breathtaking and safe display of lights and pyrotechnics.
Mr Mai Trong Thai, Chairman of the People's Committee of Nam Tu Liem District, commented, “Following the success of the 2024 Hanoi Art Light Festival, we are honored to lead this year’s event. With our expertise in organizing world-class events, we are committed to ensuring the safety and success of this extraordinary occasion, establishing “Glamour Thang Long” as an awaited annual tradition.”
As a leading economic group in Vietnam, Petrovietnam is dedicated to supporting key national events that align with the country’s growth. “Glamour Thang Long 2025” is a world-class event ushering in the New Year and a new era of progress, reflecting the group’s transformative vision for 2025: "Innovation from the core – Development of outstanding models – Integration of global chains – Enhancing energy knowledge – Breakthrough in growth – Creating a sustainable green shift." Joining this grand artistic program are co-sponsors PVEP, PV GAS, PV Power, PVOIL, BSR, PVCFC, and PVcomBank serving as the coordinating unit collaborating with the organizing committee.
The event is organized by Corex Business Solutions, the sole company in Southeast Asia to have set two Guinness World Records for drone displays. As Vietnam’s leading cultural projects & destination development company, Corex is also behind the success of the "Glamour Thang Long 2024" drone show and The Ever Glamour Nha Trang (EGN) 2024 festival. Representatives from Corex shared: “We are confident that this performance will set a new Guinness World Record for the largest pyro drone display, further cementing our reputation as a leader in delivering groundbreaking cultural events.”
The event will undoubtedly solidify Hanoi’s reputation as a leading creative city and a global cultural destination, attracting visitors worldwide to experience historic spectacles.
Media contact:
Mr. Minh Thang Nguyen
Deputy General Director of Marketing & Strategy
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