Amlan International to Showcase NeutraPath® Research and Calibrin® -Z Technical Demonstrations at In
Feed the Need for Speed with Proven Feed Additives
Amlan International will be exhibiting at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) 2025
CHICAGO, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, a leading provider of mineral-based technologies for animal health, will be exhibiting at the International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) 2025, held January 28–30, 2025, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Amlan’s booth, B4011, will feature cutting-edge feed additives aimed at enhancing poultry health and productivity, with live-streamed demonstrations of the binding power and unique mineral properties of Amlan’s mineral technology.
NeutraPath®, Amlan’s breakthrough natural pathogen control solution available in select international markets, will be prominently featured at the expo with an oral presentation of new research. This innovative feed additive combines essential oils, fatty acids, and Amlan's proprietary mineral technology to neutralize pathogenic bacteria, improve intestinal health, and provide poultry producers with a natural, effective alternative for pathogen control.
Dr. Anthony Quant, Ph.D., Senior Poultry Nutritionist at Kalmbach Nutritional Services, will present research at the International Poultry Scientific Forum (IPSF), showcasing NeutraPath's efficacy as a feed additive for broilers challenged with necrotic enteritis. This presentation will highlight the beneficial performance impacts of NeutraPath when used to counter one of the most prevalent challenges poultry producers face globally.
The oral abstract: T83, Evaluating the Effect of Dietary Supplementation of NeutraPath® and Tribasic Copper Chloride on the Growth Performance of Ross 308 Broilers Exposed to a Necrotic Enteritis Challenge, will be presented on January 28, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. EST, room B406.
In addition, Amlan will sponsor the presentation of new research on the impact of feed additives on broiler performance when exposed to a necrotic enteritis challenge at an upcoming educational TECHTalk. The oral presentation, titled, "Enhancing Broiler Productivity: Nutritional Programs to Safeguard Intestinal Health from Common Pathogens," will be delivered by Dr. Gino Lorenzoni, Associate Professor of Poultry Science and Avian Health at Penn State University. The presentation will take place on January 28th, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. EST, in Theatre B.
“We’re excited to share our latest studies and highlight how our innovative solutions are advancing poultry gut health,” said Dr. Wade Robey, President of Amlan International. “NeutraPath goes beyond traditional pathogen binding — it actively disrupts bacterial membrane integrity, delivering powerful support for optimal performance, even in challenging environments.”
Live Demonstrations of Calibrin-Z's Rapid Binding Effects and Unique Mineral Properties
Amlan will also host two live streamed demonstrations of its broad-spectrum biotoxin binder, Calibrin-Z, during exhibit hall hours at the upcoming event. Attendees are invited to visit the Amlan booth (B4011) for an in-depth look at Calibrin-Z’s speed and binding efficacy. First, Dr. Dongping Wang, Senior Research Scientist at Oil-Dri Corporation of America, will lead the demonstrations on showcasing how Calibrin-Z quickly and effectively binds mycotoxins and pathogens, neutralizing their harmful effects on poultry health and performance. Second, Dr. Marc Herpfer, VP of New Technologies, will explain the importance of high-quality mineral technologies in poultry health. The presentation, titled "Not All Bentonites Are Created Equal," will showcase how subtle differences in the physical properties of Amlan's minerals can help provide a competitive edge in poultry performance.
The live demonstrations will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. EST and 2:00 p.m. EST, and Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. EST and 2:00 p.m. EST. Dr. Herpfer will be onsite to speak with attendees and further elaborate on Amlan’s mineral solution technology.
“Amlan is committed to fostering collaboration and advancing innovation within the industry,” says Mrs. Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing. “We encourage expo attendees, media professionals, and fellow exhibitors to visit booth B4011 to see how Amlan is helping producers drive profits naturally with superior mineral technology.”
For more information on Amlan International, please visit
Company Information
Amlan is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Leveraging over 80 years of expertise in mineral science, Oil-Dri Corporation of America, doing business as “Amlan International,” is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives worldwide. Product availability may vary by country, associated claims do not constitute medical claims and may differ based on government requirements.
Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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