Green Building Initiative Unveils Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ Assessment & Certification f
GBI adds Green Globes Journey to Net Zero™ to its assessment and third-party certification suite as a scalable solution to decarbonize the built environment
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 16, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Green Building Initiative (GBI) announces the release of Green Globes® Journey to Net Zero™ (JNZ), the latest addition to GBI’s suite of third-party sustainability building assessment and certification tools. Green Globes® Journey to Net Zero™ advances decarbonization in the global built environment by empowering all commercial real estate owners to evaluate performance using a science-based approach to implement impactful change. The program is intended for owners or managers of any building – in any phase of lifecycle and regardless of progress made – to evaluate current site Energy Use Intensity (EUI) and/or carbon emissions (CO2e) on the pathway to net zero.
“GBI identified a market need for a decarbonization assessment system available to all building types for use at any point in their progress towards net zero,” said Vicki Worden, GBI President & CEO. “This cost-effective and user-friendly program allows building owners to evaluate current performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and transparently demonstrate progress to stakeholders.”
Developed through an open process in alignment with the U.S. Department of Energy's 'National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building, GBI guides building owners and managers through a supported process to incorporate design, operations, and renewable energy strategies to reach net zero. The Green Globes Net Zero Calculator leverages rigorous accounting principles to identify site EUI and CO2e percent reductions against baseline. The user-friendly, proprietary software provides transparency and encourages collaboration among the project team and with the Green Globes Assessor.
Recognition is achieved once a project demonstrates at least a 50% reduction and certification is achieved when a building demonstrates 100% reduction in one of the measures. As with all GBI assessment programs, complimentary resources are available, including a Technical Reference Manual providing definitions, guidance, and outlining required documentation.
Benefits of GBI’s Green Globes JNZ program include:
- Documentation of renewable energy use;
- Energy, emissions, and cost savings;
- Support toward regulatory compliance; and
- Enhanced property value.
GBI conducted three public input periods and a pilot program to collect industry feedback to create assessment methodology. The pilot program took place between July 2023 and November 2024 and included over 100 million square feet of real estate, including class A office portfolios, multifamily, stadiums, and mixed use. Individual assets in the pilot that met minimum requirements for energy efficiency were designated as Recognized if they achieved a 50% or greater reduction in the EUI or CO2e footprint through the application of renewable energy or certified if they achieved a 100% reduction in footprint. Those who have reached Certified status include The Millenium Building, in Washington DC (Tower Companies) and Harka Headquarters in Portland, OR (Harka Architecture).
As an internationally recognized organization with expertise in critical education, community-building, client support, and standard development, GBI delivers third-party sustainability assessment and certification accessible to all buildings. To date, GBI has certified over 767 million square feet of commercial and multifamily real estate through its Green Globes whole building and Guiding Principles Compliance programs. Register your project to begin evaluating your progress through an educational and transparent process.
About GBI
GBI is an international nonprofit organization and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer dedicated to reducing climate impacts by improving the built environment. Founded in 2004, the organization is the global provider of the Green Globes® and federal Guiding Principles Compliance building certification and assessment programs. GBI also issues professional credentials, including the Green Globes Professional (GGP) and Guiding Principles Compliance Professional (GPCP). To learn more about opportunities to become involved with GBI, contact or visit the GBI website at
Megan Baker, GBI Vice President of Engagement, (971) 256-7174
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