McGraw Hill Expands Engagement with Largest University in Malaysia to Enhance Digital Learning and S
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) to support learners through access to McGraw Hill's adaptive learning platform
SHAH ALAM, Malaysia, Jan. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- McGraw Hill today announced that the largest higher education institution in Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), intends to expand its use of McGraw Hill's state-of-the-art digital content for its over 35,000 learners.
The new agreement builds on an existing relationship with the institution, which already uses McGraw Hill's digital solutions blended with original content developed for UiTM learners in various business disciplines.
The expanded cooperation will see McGraw Hill and UiTM collaborate to deliver content customized to the institution's specific needs hosted on McGraw Hill's digital learning platform, including Connect.
UiTM is the largest comprehensive university in Malaysia providing innovative education with state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology within reach at its 34 campuses, 4 colleges of studies, 14 faculties, and 9 academic centres all over the country.
"We are thrilled to join forces with McGraw Hill, a global leader in educational content and technology,” said Professor Firdaus Abdullah, Dean, Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA. “This collaboration provides our students and faculty with access to cutting-edge resources and tools, enriching the learning experience and supporting our institution's mission of academic excellence. We are confident this expanded relationship will unlock new opportunities for our students and contribute to their future achievements."
“UiTM is a widely respected institution in the national and global higher education landscape, and we are thrilled to see our relationship with them deepen through this new agreement,” said Neil Harris, Senior Vice President, McGraw Hill International. “The creation of new, localized content built to serve their exact needs will bolster student engagement and, combined with the McGraw Hill learning platform, will enhance student outcomes. We look forward to the future of our relationship.”
McGraw Hill
McGraw Hill is a leading global education company that partners with millions of educators, learners and professionals around the world. Recognizing their diverse needs, we build trusted content, flexible tools and powerful digital platforms to help them achieve success on their own terms. Through our commitment to equity, accessibility and inclusion, we foster a culture of belonging that respects and reflects the diversity of the communities, learners and educators we serve. McGraw Hill has over 30 offices across North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and South America, and makes its learning solutions for PreK-12, higher education, professionals and others available in more than 80 languages. Visit us at or find us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter.
UiTM offers over 500 academic programmes at Foundation, Pre-Diploma, Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD levels, as well as Professional Programmes. It continues to expand access to higher education, playing its role in nation-building by unleashing potentials and shaping the future. With over 770,000 alumni in science, technology, humanities, and entrepreneurship, UiTM offers opportunities to shape leaders at national, industry, and global levels and is well poised to become a globally renowned university by 2025.
Ben Roselieb
McGraw Hill
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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