Sustainability Economics Joins AIGCC to Drive Net-Zero Transitions in Asia
Sustainability Economics Joins AIGCC to Drive Net-Zero Transitions in Asia
Sustainability Economics Joins AIGCC
Sustainability Economics proudly announces its membership in the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC).
Singapore, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a significant step towards advancing net-zero practices, Sustainability Economics proudly announces its membership in the Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC). AIGCC is Asia’s leading network of institutional investors dedicated to mitigating climate risks and fostering opportunities for a sustainable future.
Headquartered in Singapore and the United States, with a major development center in Bangalore, Sustainability Economics provides comprehensive net-zero solutions to global businesses in high-emission sectors. The company specializes in facilitating profitable transitions to clean energy sources and is at the forefront of merging clean power with AI-driven cloud data centers. This innovative approach accelerates sustainability in both energy and technology sectors.
AIGCC, a network of over 70 members managing a combined global AUM of $28 trillion across 11 Asian markets, plays a pivotal role in mobilizing institutional investors to address climate risks and advocate for transformative policies.
AIGCC’s initiatives focus on three critical pillars: Investor Practice & Capacity-Building, Stewardship & Corporate Engagement, Policy & Advocacy.
AIGCC represents the Asian investor perspective in the evolving global discussions on climate change and the transition to a greener economy.
As a member of AIGCC, Sustainability Economics will actively participate in five thematic working groups, including:
- Energy Transition
- Engagement and Policy
- Paris Aligned Investment
- Physical Risk and Resilience
- Just Transition Working Group
These working groups serve as vital platforms for collaboration with industry leaders, sharing expertise, and contributing to actionable climate solutions.
"Joining AIGCC reflects our strong commitment to fostering impactful partnerships that accelerate the global energy transition,” said Kasu Venkata, CEO and Co-founder of Sustainability Economics. “We look forward to contributing our expertise to support AIGCC’s mission and learn from the other members."
Rebecca-Mikula Wright, CEO, AIGCC, added, "We are delighted to welcome Sustainability Economics as an Associate Member. Their approach to advancing net-zero solutions will be invaluable as we work together to drive climate action across Asia. We look forward to collaborating closely to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, sustainable future."
Through this collaboration, Sustainability Economics aims to further its mission of enabling a profitable and sustainable transition to net-zero, reinforcing its position as a leader in the global energy transition.
- Sustainability Economics Joins AIGCC
Emily Smith,
Communications Manager
Sustainability Economics
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