On January 14, 2025, the Taicang High-Tech Zone delegation visited theSino-Italian Design Exchange Center, operated by DoBe Group,and held the "Taicang High-Tech Zone and Florence Cooperation and Exchange Conference." The event aimed to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Taicang High-Tech Zone and Florence across various fields, serving as a bridge of trust and connectivity for enterprises from both sides, while advancing the implementation of specific projects through signing ceremonies.
出席本次会议的有太仓市委常委、太仓高新区党工委书记毛雅萍,太仓高新区党工委委员、管委会副主任陆利璟,中德(太仓)中小企业合作示范区管理办公室主任段月强,太仓高新区招商局局长沈超未,以及意大利中小企业联盟(CONFAPI)佛罗伦萨分会主席Leonardo Cavini,意大利工匠与中小企业协会(UAI)佛罗伦萨分会主席Claudio Nobler,China 2000公司CEO兼中国意大利商会托斯卡纳省发起人Michele Taccetti,意大利各界企业代表等嘉宾。
The conference was attended by Mao Yaping, Member of the Standing Committee of Taicang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Taicang High-Tech Zone; Lu Lijing, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Taicang High-Tech Zone; Duan Yueqiang, Director of the Management Office of the Sino-German (Taicang) SME Cooperation Demonstration Zone; and Shen Chaowei, Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Taicang High-Tech Zone. Italian attendees included Leonardo Cavini, President of the Florence Branch of the Italian Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CONFAPI); Claudio Nobler, President of the Florence Branch of the Italian Union of Artisans and SMEs (UAI); Michele Taccetti, CEO of China 2000 srl and Founder of the Tuscany Chapter of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce; as well as representatives of various Italian enterprises.
中意设计交流中心CEOCorrado Galli先生,在欢迎词中表示,近年来,中意设计交流中心持续致力于推动中意企业间的交流与合作,为企业搭建了一个高效的国际化桥梁。他希望本次会议能够进一步深化中意双方的合作,为推动中小企业国际化发展注入新动能。In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Corrado Galli, CEO of the Sino-Italian Design Exchange Center, highlighted the center’s ongoing efforts in fostering exchanges and collaborations between Chinese and Italian enterprises. He emphasized that the center has established an efficient international bridge for businesses and expressed hope that this meeting would further deepen Sino-Italian cooperation and inject fresh momentum into the internationalization of SMEs.
太仓高新区党工委委员、管委会副主任陆利璟为现场嘉宾介绍太仓的发展和政策优势,太仓高新区是长三角地区的重要创新平台,近年来积极推动产业转型升级,打造国际化的创新生态。他表示,希望通过此次会议,与意大利企业在文化创意、先进制造和科技创新等领域建立更多合作机会,共创互利共赢的未来。Mr. Lu Lijing introduced Taicang's development and policy advantages, emphasizing its role as a major innovation platform in the Yangtze River Delta region. He noted Taicang High-Tech Zone's active promotion of industrial transformation and upgrading, as well as its efforts to create an international innovation ecosystem. He expressed the hope that the conference would lead to partnerships with Italian enterprises in cultural creativity, advanced manufacturing, and technological innovation, paving the way for a mutually beneficial future.
意大利中小企业联盟(CONFAPI)佛罗伦萨分会主席Leonardo Cavini先生,代表联盟发言。意大利中小企业联盟(CONFAPI)成立于1947年,在意大利拥有超过11.6万家会员企业和超过100万名员工。作为国家经济和劳工委员会(CNEL)的成员,CONFAPI在政策制定和国际合作中发挥了重要作用。Cavini主席在发言中提到,意大利中小企业近年来在国际市场的竞争力显著增强。他希望通过此次会议,能够与太仓高新区开展深入合作,在文化创意和创新领域实现共赢发展。Leonardo Cavini, President of CONFAPI Florence, spoke on behalf of the association. Founded in 1947, CONFAPI represents over 116,000 member companies with more than 1 million employees in Italy. As a member of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), CONFAPI plays a key role in policy-making and international cooperation. Cavini highlighted the growing global competitiveness of Italian SMEs and expressed optimism about fostering deeper collaboration with Taicang High-Tech Zone, particularly in cultural creativity and innovation, to achieve mutually beneficial development.
意大利工匠与中小企业协会(UAI)佛罗伦萨分会主席Claudio Nobler先生,介绍了协会的背景。UAI成立于1990年,是意大利最具代表性的中小企业支持机构之一,覆盖全国多个地区拥有超过15万家会员企业。Nobler主席表示,意大利的工匠精神和中小企业的灵活性是国际合作的宝贵资源,希望与太仓高新区在设计、手工艺及高端制造领域展开深入交流,提升“意大利制造”的全球影响力。
Mr. Claudio Nobler, President of UAI Firenze, introduced the background of the association. UAI - Unione Artigiani Italiani e delle Piccole e Medie Imprese founded in 1990, it is one of the most representative support organizations in Italy, covering many regions across the country with more than 150,000 member companies. Chairman Nobler said that Italy's craftsmanship and the flexibility of SMEs are valuable resources for international cooperation. He hopes to have in-depth exchanges with Taicang High-tech Zone in the fields of design, handicrafts and high-end manufacturing to enhance the global influence of "Made in Italy".
China 2000公司CEO兼中国意大利商会托斯卡纳省发起人Michele Taccetti,在发言中提到,China 2000 Srl是一家专注于中意经贸与文化交流的综合性咨询公司,成立于1998年,长期致力于为中意企业提供市场准入支持及投资策略等服务。其家族自1946与中国便有业务往来,拥有在中国持续经营超过70年的长期商业关系,近年来中意之间的经济合作不断深化,Taccetti先生非常期待未来能够与太仓高新区在中意商贸及文化交流中展开更具体的合作,为推动两国双边贸易作出更大贡献。Michele Taccetti, CEO of China 2000 srl and Founder of the Tuscany Chapter of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, highlighted China 2000’s role as a comprehensive consulting firm focused on Sino-Italian economic and cultural exchanges since its founding in 1998. With a family history of trade with China dating back to 1946, Taccetti underscored the deepening economic cooperation between China and Italy and expressed enthusiasm for exploring concrete opportunities for collaboration with Taicang High-Tech Zone in trade and cultural exchanges.
在太仓市委常委、太仓高新区党工委书记毛雅萍和意大利工匠与中小企业协会(UAI)佛罗伦萨分会主席Claudio Nobler先生等意大利企业代表的见证下,太仓高新区党工委委员、管委会副主任陆利璟与CONFAPI佛罗伦萨分会主席Leonardo Cavini先生签署合作协议。In the presence of Mao Yaping, Member of the Standing Committee of Taicang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Taicang High-Tech Zone, and Claudio Nobler, President of the Florence Branch of the Italian Union of Artisans and SMEs (UAI), along with other Italian business representatives, Lu Lijing, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Taicang High-Tech Zone, signed a cooperation agreement with Leonardo Cavini, President of CONFAPI Florence.
中德(太仓)中小企业合作示范区管理办公室主任段月强与中意设计交流中心CEO Corrado Galli先生签署合作协议。这些协议的签署标志着佛罗伦萨与太仓双方在中小企业合作和国际项目落地方面迈出了重要一步。Duan Yueqiang, Director of the Management Office of the Sino-German (Taicang) SME Cooperation Demonstration Zone, signed a cooperation agreement with Corrado Galli, CEO of the Sino-Italian Design Exchange Center. The signing of these agreements marks a significant step forward in SME collaboration and the implementation of international projects between Florence and Taicang.
The successful convening of this conference not only strengthened ties between Chinese and Italian enterprises but also served as a concrete step in implementing the 2024–2027 Action Plan for Strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership announced during Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's visit to China in 2024. By focusing on key areas such as cultural creativity, advanced manufacturing, and international trade, the event has opened new avenues for future cooperation between Taicang and Florence.
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