Neoviva, Switzerland's first addiction clinic offering guarantee
LUCERNE, Switzerland, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Neoviva, a leading luxury rehab centre launches Switzerland's first and only assurance programme in addiction treatment. With a structured and tailored approach, Neoviva's programme addresses the unique needs of each client, blending cutting-edge therapeutic methods with comprehensive aftercare. The Neoviva Guarantee is a testament to the effectiveness of their personalised Signature Programme and reflects confidence in the programme's ability to help clients achieve sustainable recovery.
"Our track record speaks for itself, with countless success stories of lasting recovery. The Neoviva Guarantee is our way of putting action behind our words. We're so convinced of our programme's efficacy that we're willing to stand by our clients long after they leave our facility. This isn't just treatment; it's a lifelong partnership in recovery," states Fenina Erpf, CEO and Co-Founder of NEOVIVA, alongside Oliver Neubert, Founder of NEOVIVA.
Clients who complete a minimum of six weeks of Neoviva's Signature programme and adhere to the 30-week continuing care plan are eligible for the Guarantee. Should a client relapse within one year of completing the programme, they may return for up to four weeks of additional intensive treatment at no extra cost.*
Nestled on the tranquil shores of Lake Lucerne, NEOVIVA's luxury rehab facility blends world-class care with an exclusive and serene environment. Housed within a real-life hotel setting, our clinic offers the perfect balance of comfort, privacy, and discretion, ensuring a supportive space for recovery. This unique setting empowers clients with the tools and strategies needed to navigate life beyond treatment, all while immersed in the breathtaking beauty of the Swiss Alps.
About Neoviva:
Neoviva is a luxury rehab centre in Switzerland that offers personalised treatment plans for mental health and addiction treatment. With pioneering methodologies, a high staff-to-client ratio, and a commitment to profound personal transformation, Neoviva is more than a rehab centre—it is a life-changing experience for those seeking lasting recovery.
*Terms and conditions apply.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
For more information, please contact:
Fenina Erpf
CEO & Co-Founder
6354 Vitznau
Phone: +41 58 100 08 00
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