HYCU® R-Cloud™ Named to TechTarget Storage Products of the Year Awards
HYCU Takes Bronze in Annual Enterprise Storage Awards; Judges Note HYCU R-Cloud for SaaS Data Protection
Boston, Massachusetts, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HYCU, Inc., a leader for modern data protection for on-prem, cloud services, and SaaS, and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, announced that HYCU® R-Cloud™ won Bronze in the Backup and Disaster Recovery Hardware Software and Services Category in the 23rd Annual Awards edition of the TechTarget Storage Products of the Year. In winning Bronze, the panel of judges noted that SaaS data protection is an increasingly critical feature, which HYCU R-Cloud excels in.
The awards were presented by Informa TechTarget editors and judged by a panel of Informa TechTarget editors, industry experts, analysts, and consultants. One judge noted the following about HYCU R-Cloud in selecting the solution in this year's awards, “Its ability to optimize costs while providing enterprise-grade protection ensures excellent value for businesses moving toward cloud-native infrastructure.” HYCU R-Cloud was also noted by another judge as "a smart and seamless backup option.”
“It is great to see the reaction to HYCU R-Cloud since we introduced it two years ago. We knew that unprotected SaaS was quickly becoming one of the most significant challenges facing enterprises today,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU, Inc. “Now, even as SaaS application and cloud services use continues to rise, it is no longer good enough to wait and hope you won't be dealing with an outage of some sort where your most valuable asset, your data, is not available. We are not just talking about malicious attacks but reminders to the recent Crowdstrike outage should serve as invaluable lessons. This latest recognition serves to remind us all that solutions exist where no data, SaaS included, should be unprotected or unavailable.”
HYCU R-Cloud was updated significantly since winning Gold in the 22nd TechTarget Storage products of the Year. Developed as an integrated SaaS platform, HYCU R-Cloud offers enterprise class automated backup, granular recovery, data migration, and disaster recovery across on-premises, multi-cloud platforms, cloud services, and SaaS applications. HYCU R-Cloud is built on an agentless architecture, eliminating the need for additional hardware or software. HYCU R-Graph, a key component of HYCU R-Cloud, provides data estate discovery and visualization, supporting more than 90 data sources. From the HYCU Generative AI Initiative introduced in January 2023, HYCU seamlessly integrated generative AI technology, including Anthropics' AI assistant Claude with HYCU R-Cloud, users and partners can now create new, easy-to-use SaaS integrations.
The annual awards were selected by the panel of judges according to the following criteria: innovation, performance, ease of integration into existing environments, ease of use and manageability, functionality and value. From more than 50 nominated products, three winners were chosen in four categories: Backup and disaster recovery hardware, software and services, Cloud storage, Disk and disk subsystems, and Storage system and application software. Eligible products must have been initially released or significantly upgraded on or after Sept. 1, 2023, and before Sept. 1, 2024.
For more information on HYCU R-Cloud, visit https://www.hycu.com/platform. For more information on HYCU, visit:www.hycu.com, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native, and SaaS IT environments, the company provides unrivaled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. The company's award-winning R-Cloud platform eliminates complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make it the #1 SaaS Data Protection platform. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at www.hycu.com.
About TechTarget Storage Products of the Year
TechTarget Search Storage invited data storage product companies to nominate new or enhanced products for the Products of the Year 2024 awards. For previously available products, the upgrade must have incorporated significant new features. Products could be entered in one of four categories: backup and disaster recovery hardware, software and services; cloud storage; disk and disk subsystems; and storage system and application software. Products were judged by a panel of industry experts, analysts, consultants and Informa TechTarget editors. Products were rated based on innovation, performance, ease of integration into environment, ease of use and manageability, functionality and value.
About TechTarget SearchStorage
TechTarget Search Storage is the No. 1 online destination for IT professionals charged with purchasing, implementing and managing storage systems at the core of large – and medium-sized businesses. More than 600,000 storage-focused IT executives, managers, and staff rely on TechTarget Storage for information they need to do their jobs. TechTarget Search Storage content includes original editorial features, news, expert storage advice, webcasts and white papers.
Don Jennings
HYCU, Inc.
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