Schneider Electric named The World's Most Sustainable Corporation for a second time
First-ever corporation to top Corporate Knights Global 100 twice14th consecutive year in Global 100 index, 7th top 10 ranking Follows strong 2024 performance in other key ESG ratings
Rueil-Malmaison, France, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has been named the World's Most Sustainable Corporation 2025 by Corporate Knights and is the only company to rank first in the Global 100 twice. Schneider Electric previously topped this annual list of the most sustainable publicly listed companies, generating annual revenues of over $1bn in 2021. This unique achievement underlines Schneider's long-standing commitment and holistic approach to delivering the best environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance possible.
"For many years now, sustainability has been at the heart of what Schneider Electric does. For an IMPACT company it's more than just a corporate goal, it's the driving force that shapes our business decisions and inspires our employees," said Olivier Blum, Schneider Electric's Chief Executive Officer. "This second title as the World's Most Sustainable Corporation from Corporate Knights, alongside other key ESG recognitions, is testimony to the valuable, long-term positive impact we have.”
This year, Schneider Electric's number one position reflects the company's leadership in sustainable development practices, such as the gender diversity of its executives and board directors, and its innovative solutions to facilitate energy efficiency, electrification and decarbonization. Schneider also obtained strong scores for efforts to decouple its energy consumption and carbon emissions from its business growth, and its strong investment in sustainable research and development. Corporate Knights also called out the link between executive pay incentives and Schneider Electric's sustainability performance and ESG ratings.
"Schneider Electric's position at the top of the Global 100 index is remarkable. No other company has accomplished this twice," said Toby Heaps, Corporate Knights' CEO. "This success stems from Schneider's broad impact that goes beyond its own sustainability efforts. Schneider provides the technology to enhance energy efficiency, support decarbonization and help other companies in their sustainable transitions."
Compiled by the Canadian media and research company, Corporate Knights, the annual Global 100 index is based on publicly disclosed, quantitative data related to resources, employees, suppliers, sustainable revenues, and investment. The Global 100 methodology uses fixed and variable key performance indicators to rank companies among their peers. Schneider Electric has been part of the Global 100 every year for the past 14 years and in the top 10 seven times — a record for its electrical equipment manufacturing peer group.
Being awarded this title in both 2021 and 2025 coincides with the beginning and end of the five-year period of the latest Schneider Sustainability Impact program. This program measures the company's progress across a range of transformative ESG targets set for the end of 2025 and helps maintain an unwavering focus on achieving both its global and local ambitions.
Schneider's sustainability leadership is further affirmed with these latest scores from prominent ESG rating providers:
Sustainability External ratings | 2024 score | Highlights | Assessed universe (# companies) |
S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) | 86/100 | •Industry leader •Included in the DJSI World index for the 14th consecutive year and in the DJSI Europe index |
13,000 |
EcoVadis(1) | 85/100 | •Outstanding level for the 2nd consecutive year •Platinum medal (top 1% of all companies assessed) for 5th year |
130,000 |
Moody's Analytics (Vigeo Eiris) |
73/100 | •Included in the Euronext Vigeo World 120, Europe 120, Euro 120, France 20, and CAC40 ESG indices | 4,800 |
MSCI ESG rating | AAA | •Leader among 165 companies in its peer group •AAA for 14th year •Included in the World ESG leaders and Socially Responsible indices |
8,500 |
Sustainalytics ESG Risk rating | Low risk | •Industry Top-Rated ESG Performer •1st out of 301 companies in its peer group |
16,000 |
(1) 2025 score
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