Equativ Unveils Maestro by Equativ: Its Most Advanced End-to-End Curation Platform for Enhanced Camp
A pioneer in curation technology reveals a next-generation solution designed to enable efficient, transparent transactions and equitable value distribution across the digital advertising ecosystem
NEW YORK, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Equativ, a global independent adtech company, today announced major upgrades to its all-in-one curation platform, Equativ Buyer Connect (EBC), now renamed Maestro by Equativ, that centralizes programmatic campaign management and provides ad buyers with direct access to high-quality, scaled supply. Since launching its curation platform four years ago, Equativ has gathered feedback from over 500 media agencies (including all six of the Big Six Advertising Agencies), publishers, and data curators—who have collectively created more than 30,000 curated deals—contributing to the refinement and unveiling of an enhanced Maestro by Equativ. This evolution gives curators greater control through an optimized interface, enabling them to define precise criteria for ad placements while ensuring campaigns align with brand safety, relevance, and sustainability standards, ultimately driving better outcomes.
“We are grateful to Equativ for their support in curating inventory for our campaigns, leading to better CTR, increased views and broader reach,” said Sebastián Orduvini, OMG Marketplace Lead, Programmatic. “This highlights both Maestro's impact and Equativ's commitment to excellence and innovation in advertising.”
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.
Maestro by Equativ boasts a global reach that includes direct integration with more than 70 DSPs and over 30 data providers, such as LiveRamp, Lotame, IAS, and Audigent, and more to maximize campaign efficiency. Its intuitive interface and personalized support across 19 countries ensure easy adoption and operation worldwide. Some of the expanded features of the improved Maestro by Equativ include:
- Advanced Data Capabilities: Seamless integration of first-party data, cookieless solutions, alternative IDs, and agnostic data provider support for diverse use cases such as targeting and frequency capping.
- Meta Deals for Optimization: Advanced deal management tools enabling streamlined operations and better outcomes for end buyers.
- Campaign Activation: Curators have the ability to execute direct deals leveraging Equativ's premium direct inventory.
Additionally, new features from Sharethrough's legacy of expertise will be released in the near future:
- Creative Enhancements: Research-backed and exclusive creative solutions designed to boost performance and engagement.
- GreenPMPs™: With a simple and unique toggle button, curators can reduce the emissions of their campaigns by removing climate risk sites with unnecessarily high emissions as measured by Scope3.
“When we developed our first-generation curation technology in 2020, our goal was value creation for both media buyers and publishers,” said Parag Vohra, Chief Revenue Officer at Equativ. “As the market and client needs evolved, we refined our intuitive, all-in-one curation platform to offer ad buyers unmatched control, enabling them to streamline omnichannel strategies, leverage first-party data, and scale campaigns more effectively while still supporting the broader ecosystem.”
“Maestro helps us reach more users and utilize various ad formats, both domestically and internationally,” said Piotr Wiktor, Head of Programmatic Trading & Partnerships at IPG Mediabrands. “The platform's testing options let us better allocate clients' budgets, and by comparing performance through our DSP, we choose platforms with the best ROI. Equativ's solutions often outperform competitors' and we've always been satisfied with their support, helping our business grow in the right direction.”
“Equativ has been fantastic, providing invaluable training and support,” said Alyssa Allen, Vice President of Commercial Operations of Frameplay. “They've helped us activate in-game brand campaigns at a fraction of traditional costs, reaching highly engaged audiences.”
To learn more about Maestro by Equativ, please visit our website here.
For media inquiries, please contact: Caroline Millié Figueiredo at: pr@equativ.com
About Equativ
Equativ, a leading independent ad platform, brings scale and simplicity to digital advertising. Following its recent merger with Sharethrough and the acquisition of Kamino Retail, advertisers, media owners, and technology partners rely on Equativ's advanced SSP, curation, and retail media services and technology to achieve maximum business outcomes. With a focus on privacy-first programmatic video, CTV, and data-driven solutions, Equativ enables clients to activate across the digital ecosystem while protecting consumer privacy. The company's global expertise is also backed by a team of over 750 employees across 19 countries.
Headquartered in Paris and New York, Equativ's international teams are dedicated to fulfilling the promise of adtech, ensuring fair value exchanges throughout the ecosystem. www.equativ.com / @equativ / https://www.linkedin.com/company/equativ/
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