The European yellow kiwi is back in Asia
A major promotional activity to publicise this much-loved variety has just concluded. Over 140 promotional moments in 10 sales outlets in Taiwan. The initiative is part of the promotional activities of the EU funded project The European Art of Taste, Fruit&Veg Masterpieces by CSO Italy
FERRARA, Italy, Jan. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Success for the promotion initiative on the Asian market of one of the products in the ‘basket’ of fruit and vegetables in the European programme The European Art of Taste. The Yellow Kiwi was in fact the undisputed star of the operation that involved 10 points of sale for more than 140 promotional moments between the end of December and mid-January in Taiwan.
A great opportunity to introduce this much-loved but still little-known kiwi variety.
Sweeter than the traditional green variety, the yellow kiwi not only possesses a unique colour and flavour, but also a wide range of benefits that make it an ideal choice for smart snackers.

In addition to its distinctive flavour, attractive colour and great nutritional profile, the yellow kiwi also mellows as it ripens. This makes it perfect for a dessert or snack, thanks to its only 54 kcal per 100 grams. Its soft texture also makes it a versatile fruit that can be used in smoothies or ice cream. Or in savoury dishes where its sweet character blunts the savouriness of certain dishes.
An ally in the kitchen but also outside, the yellow kiwi is also good for your health: rich in vitamin C, it is also a powerful antioxidant that ensures the normal functioning of the immune system and protects skin cells from damage and ageing.
The Yellow Kiwi promotional initiative is part of the activities planned by The European Art of Taste, Fruit&Veg Masterpieces, the project financed by the European Union, conceived by CSO Italy and participated by the following companies: RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Apofruit, Origine Group, and Oranfrizer.
Press Office:
Renato Pagani - - + 39 335 6939561
Giorgia Rizzi -
News about The European Art of Taste and CSO Italy
The project The European Art of Taste – Fruit & Veg Masterpieces aims to promote and inform about high-quality European fruits and vegetables and is financed by CSO Italy and the European Union. The following Italian companies also participate in the project: RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Apofruit, Origine Group e Oranfrizer.
CSO Italy, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy's leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSO Italy's mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSO ITALY, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies.
Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the awarding administration can be held responsible for them.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

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