AI-Media to Debut Cutting-Edge Language Solutions at ISE 2025
BARCELONA, Spain, Jan. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AI-Media, a global leader in AI-powered captioning and translation solutions, is thrilled to announce its debut at Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2025, the world’s leading event for AV technology and integrated solutions. From February 4–7 in Barcelona, AI-Media will demonstrate its cutting-edge innovations that are revolutionizing accessibility, enhancing audience engagement, and solidifying its expansion across Europe.
Attendees can visit AI-Media at Booth #4G500 to discover how its solutions are redefining the future of subtitling and accessibility for broadcasters and AV professionals.
Pioneering Innovation at ISE 2025
AI-Media is setting new standards in accessibility workflows with its AI-driven technologies, seamlessly integrating into SDI and IP infrastructures while supporting advanced API and GPI capabilities. Visitors to the AI-Media booth will experience:
- LEXI Live AI-Powered Captions: Achieve unparalleled accuracy, real-time responsiveness, and exceptional cost efficiency.
- Multilingual Captioning and Translation: Overcome language barriers with real-time translations that empower global audiences to connect effortlessly.
- Industry-Leading Encoder Technology: Explore AI-Media’s reliable SDI and IP video encoders, trusted by top broadcasters for exceptional performance in both in-person and streaming environments.
- Exclusive First Look: LEXI Voice: Witness the future of real-time voice translation with LEXI Voice, AI-Media’s groundbreaking technology set to transform the industry upon its release later this year.
Building a More Accessible Future
“At AI-Media, accessibility is more than compliance—it’s the cornerstone of an inclusive and globally connected world,” said James Ward, Chief Sales Officer at AI-Media. “By combining innovation with practicality, we deliver scalable solutions that empower broadcasters and AV professionals to reach diverse audiences, meet regulatory demands like the European Accessibility Act, and revolutionize how content is experienced. ISE 2025 is an incredible opportunity to showcase the transformative power of our technology.”
Navigating the European Accessibility Act (EAA)
With the European Accessibility Act (EAA) set to take effect on June 28, 2025, broadcasters and AV professionals face new challenges in ensuring accessibility compliance. AI-Media’s advanced solutions are designed to meet these requirements effortlessly, offering seamless integration and scalability while elevating audience engagement.
Why ISE Matters for AI-Media
AI-Media’s debut at ISE underscores its commitment to innovation, collaboration, and leadership in the AV space. ISE provides an unparalleled opportunity to connect with industry leaders, explore the latest trends, and build strategic partnerships with AV system integrators across Europe.
Join AI-Media at ISE 2025
Don’t miss the chance to experience AI-Media’s transformative solutions at ISE 2025. Visit Booth #4G500 to see live demonstrations and learn how AI-Media can revolutionize your accessibility and language strategies. To schedule a meeting or learn more, visit
About AI-Media
Founded in Australia in 2003, AI-Media is a pioneering technology company specialising in AI language and captioning workflow solutions. As a global leader, AI-Media provides high-quality AI-powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide. For the first time in February 2024, AI-Media unveiled groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional more expensive human workflows. With deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI-Media empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity of their content.
AI-Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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