Christie’s International Real Estate Enters Hong Kong, Continuing Rapid Expansion in Asia
Christie’s International Real Estate Hong Kong is led by Samson Law, a 30-year veteran of the Hong Kong real estate industry
HONG KONG, Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global luxury real estate network Christie’s International Real Estate continues its expansion in East Asia with the launch of Christie’s International Real Estate Hong Kong.
The new venture is led by Hong Kong native Samson Law, who brings more than three decades of local real estate experience in sales, management and technology to his role. His background includes founding several boutique real estate firms, including online property search pioneer
Law will manage a team of 10 agents based in Hong Kong’s Admiralty district. The brokerage plans to double its agent count within the year.
“Since Hong Kong is one of the world’s most significant financial centers, naturally we work with many high-net-worth buyers and investors from around the world. For this reason, it was incredibly important for us to align with an internationally respected brand, and I can’t think of a name more synonymous with luxury and exceptional client service than Christie’s International Real Estate,” said Law.
As Hong Kong real estate listings are not publicly shared, brokerages rely on private client databases. Law says his database, assembled over two decades, is one of Hong Kong’s most comprehensive and accurate – an important point of differentiation for the new firm.
“Samson is not only a talented leader, but he has also built incredible relationships in Hong Kong’s real estate market, as evidenced by his extensive proprietary database that surpasses most every other firm in the market,” says Helena Moyas de Forton, managing director of EMEA and APAC for Christie’s International Real Estate. “His access to listings, combined with our international network of the world’s most sought-after homes, will provide clients in Hong Kong with exclusive access to luxury properties both ‘in market’ and around the world.”
As an affiliate of Christie’s International Real Estate, the firm’s agents and clients will benefit from national and international exposure and referral opportunities through the brand’s global luxury network, which has affiliates in 50 countries and territories. Clients will also enjoy exclusive marketing partnerships with Christie’s, the world-leading art and luxury business.
Hong Kong is the hub of operations for Christie’s in Asia Pacific, a region which accounted for US$725 million in auction sales in 2024 – 26% of the auction house’s worldwide total. Christie’s International Real Estate Hong Kong will work closely with Christie’s to leverage the unique synergies between the worlds of art, luxury goods and high-end real estate for clients in the region.
Law is cautiously optimistic for 2025 with a bullish outlook long term. “Continuous economic expansion in mainland China is likely to positively influence market dynamics in Hong Kong, and any decline in interest rates will trigger a surge in activity,” he explains. “Hong Kong is known to bounce back very quickly. There are a lot of external players and a lot of hot money flowing in and out. When it comes in, it will be phenomenal,” he said.
A new affiliate in Hong Kong continues Christie’s International Real Estate’s expansion in Asia, following the 2024 announcements of new offices in Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
In early 2025, Christie’s International Real Estate was acquired by Compass (NYSE: COMP), the largest residential brokerage firm in the US by sales volume. Compass’ network of more than 30,000 US real estate agents offers another potentially rich referral pipeline for Christie’s International Real Estate Hong Kong.
About Christie’s International Real Estate
Christie’s International Real Estate has successfully marketed high-value real estate around the world for more than 30 years. Through its invitation-only Affiliate network spanning nearly 50 countries and territories, Christie’s International Real Estate offers incomparable services to a global clientele at the luxury end of the residential property market. Christie’s International Real Estate operates as a distinct luxury brand under the ownership of Compass (NYSE: COMP), the largest residential real estate brokerage in the United States by sales volume. Founded in 2012 and based in New York City, Compass provides an end-to-end platform that empowers residential real estate agents to deliver exceptional service to seller and buyer clients. For more information, please visit
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