Dentsu Partners with Adobe to Introduce Adobe GenStudio dentsu+
First-to-market innovative, generative AI-powered, integrated marketing ecosystem for brands
NEW YORK, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dentsu, in partnership with Adobe, today announced Adobe GenStudio dentsu+, an innovative, generative AI-powered, integrated marketing ecosystem for brands. The culmination of a decade-long relationship, Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ combines Adobe’s new, leading Content Supply Chain solution suite, GenStudio, with the power of dentsu’s proprietary integrated services, technology and audience intelligence. Underpinned by dentsu’s Merkury, the industry’s leading data and identity platform, the offering gives marketers the power to efficiently reach and engage audiences in a highly scaled and personalized manner, driving more in-the-moment experiences and bringing consumers even closer to the brand.
Adobe’s GenStudio solution brings together applications across Adobe Experience Cloud and Adobe Creative Cloud—including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Express, Adobe GenStudio for Performance Marketing and Adobe Workfront, as well as on-brand generative AI capabilities with Firefly Services and Custom Models—all into one combined ecosystem for helping brands plan, create, manage, activate and measure content at scale. It enables marketing teams to create the experiences required to drive impactful, personalized marketing campaigns. And by integrating with dentsu’s own audience intelligence, creative insights and translation capabilities, Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ enhances Adobe’s suite of services to deliver impactful experiences for clients.
Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ delivers on the combined power of creative, production, media, and digital experience, leveraging dentsu’s unique Merkury data sources. The solution sets a new benchmark for how marketers can fully utilize Adobe, while effectively targeting millions of customers and prospects in a way that speaks to them individually—not only delivering on customer expectations but also bringing them closer to the brand through each interaction. In addition, marketers can now gain a single view across campaign management, content supply chain, and identity mapping, underpinned by dentsu proprietary AI solutions, creating opportunity to lower waste, increase efficiency, and drive engagement.
“Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ is a direct response to CMOs demanding holistic marketing platforms to drive new growth and provides integrated marketing technology and services that can supercharge business transformation,” said Abbey Klaassen, Global Brand President, Dentsu Creative & CEO, Dentsu Creative US. “It's testament to dentsu’s deep relationship with Adobe that we’ll be able to bring this industry-first solution to market to enable brands to stand out from the sea of sameness and build a competitive advantage. As one of the first users ourselves, we’re already seeing synergies created with our other products and services, and expect clients will have the same experience, finding opportunities both for their in-house teams and their work with their agencies.”
“Marketers are operating in an environment now where the need for personalized and performant content is outstripping available resources, a challenge that Adobe GenStudio addresses by optimizing a brand’s content supply chain,” said Brent Rudewick, Vice President, Adobe GenStudio and Workfront, Adobe. “Adobe and dentsu have a longstanding partnership that focuses on delivering tailored solutions for brands. Now, combining GenStudio with dentsu’s audience intelligence and consultancy, we have the opportunity to activate generative AI for different teams, reshape longstanding workflows around content production and deliver on-brand performance at scale.”
For brands looking to fully utilize Adobe’s tech stack to gain competitive advantage and deliver on customer expectations, while delivering omnipresent brand experiences with zero creative waste, Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ truly leverages the power of dentsu’s entire breadth of capabilities. Transformative creativity from Dentsu Creative enables emotional brand resonance across the entire content lifecycle. Experience enablement and optimization from Merkle maximizes martech investments. Next-generation media effectiveness from Carat, iProspect and dentsu X leverages a 100% addressable, 100% shoppable, and 100% accountable media mix. Meanwhile, dentsu’s global production powerhouse, Tag, allows for adaptive, intelligent, connected content production, translation, and versioning at scale.
“Bringing together these innovative capabilities for the first time creates total business impact for our clients. What we have built alongside Adobe is an adaptive, end-to-end content supply chain solution, in which we can create always-on, always-ready experiences with the least amount of waste,” commented Shirli Zelcer, Chief Data & Technology Officer, dentsu. “Brands no longer have to try and piece together disparate systems and data—they can do it all in one place. Adobe GenStudio dentsu+ will not only drive better outcomes, but it will save time and add scale to marketing teams already under considerable pressure.”
Matt Cross
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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