Bitget Wallet Unveils PayFi Vision: Bridging Real-World Payments and Onchain Finance
Bitget Wallet introduces the PayFi Flywheel, integrating earning, sending, and spending into an onchain ecosystem that keeps every dollar productive
VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitget Wallet, a leading Web3 non-custodial wallet, has unveiled its 2025 strategy with PayFi being a key focus. With over 60 million users, Bitget Wallet is bringing PayFi to the forefront of personal finance, transforming crypto from a passive asset into a powerful financial tool for everyday use. By combining the efficiency of crypto payments and the ability to earn through decentralized finance (DeFi), PayFi integrates earning, sending, and spending into an ecosystem that maximizes the utility of every dollar, ensuring that every transaction contributes to financial growth. Bitget Wallet is positioning itself as a financial superapp, bridging blockchain innovation and real-world usability to revolutionize how individuals manage their money.
Bitget Wallet's PayFi Flywheel transforms crypto wallets from passive storage tools into engines of financial empowerment. With its earning, sending, and spending ecosystem, users can deposit crypto assets, such as stablecoins, into savings accounts offering flexible, real-time yields. These yields aren't locked away but directly fuel daily expenditures, from shopping to subscriptions, supporting the "Buy Now, Pay Never" concept, where DeFi yields cover part of the expenses. By converging earning, sending, and spending, powered by blockchain's efficiency, PayFi creates an interconnected ecosystem that keeps money productive and empowers users to grow their assets seamlessly.
"PayFi is not just a product; it's a movement to make crypto a viable financial tool for billions globally," said Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. "By leveraging the PayFi Flywheel, we're redefining personal finance, integrating blockchain-powered systems into everyday life. This marks a paradigm shift in how people manage money — empowering individuals with tools to maximize productivity and financial freedom while making crypto more practical and impactful worldwide."
A cornerstone of Bitget Wallet's PayFi initiative is the upcoming Bitget Wallet Card, a crypto card supported by Mastercard and linked to a crypto-friendly, multi-currency international bank account. The card will enable seamless global spending, offering competitive exchange rates. In addition to the card, Bitget Wallet is building an in-app shopping experience through partnerships with companies such as Triple A, Bitrefill, IvendPay, PundiX, and Coinpal. These partnerships enable users to spend crypto on everyday services, from purchasing gift cards for top brands like Amazon and Apple to topping up mobile credits and making in-store payments via QR codes or blockchain-powered POS systems. This interconnected ecosystem broadens crypto's real-world application, ensuring that earning, sending, and spending reinforce one another in a cycle of value creation.
Bitget Wallet also plans to introduce enhanced earning features, offering flexible yield options ranging from low-risk returns to higher-yield opportunities. Users can keep their funds productive even while using them for daily spending, ensuring money generates yield while remaining accessible. Peer-to-peer transfers will be streamlined, allowing faster, cheaper, and more accessible crypto transactions for daily use and remittances. "We've seen exceptional growth in some regions driven by high inflation and limited banking access," said Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet. "In Africa alone, user numbers grew over 1000% last year, with similar trends in the Middle East and Latin America. These figures underscore the rising demand for decentralized solutions, and with PayFi, we aim to empower underserved regions with accessible financial tools."
For further details, visit the Bitget Wallet blog.
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is the home of Web3, uniting endless possibilities in one non-custodial wallet. With over 60 million users, it offers comprehensive onchain services, including asset management, instant swaps, rewards, staking, trading tools, live market data, a DApp browser, an NFT marketplace and crypto payment. Supporting over 100 blockchains, 20,000+ DApps, and 500,000+ tokens, Bitget Wallet enables seamless multi-chain trading across hundreds of DEXs and cross-chain bridges, along with a $300 million protection fund to ensure safety of users' assets. Experience Bitget Wallet Lite to start a Web3 journey.
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