Meltwater Announces New Integration with Snapchat for Social Listening
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Meltwater, a global leader in media, social and consumer intelligence, today announces a new integration with Snap Inc., becoming the first social listening platform to provide Snapchat-specific insights for brands and agencies to inform their advertising and content strategies on the platform.
As brands increasingly recognize the importance of Snapchat, which is home to a community of 443 million daily active users1, in their marketing efforts, the new partnership allows Meltwater to provide customers with tools to optimize their presence on the platform.
Through the integration, Meltwater customers can surface and analyze content coming from public Snapchat profiles, including Stories, saved Stories, and Spotlight videos, via Snapchat's Public Profile API. Meltwater users can view post and profile-level Snapchat metrics like views and engagement, and gain insights on topics, sentiment and more.
Meltwater’s listening analytics are geared towards marketing teams who want to boost their Snapchat presence and drive better campaign results. By analyzing trends and best-performing stories, brands and agencies can gain deeper audience insights and improve content performance on Snapchat.
Key benefits of the new integration include:
- Comprehensive campaign analysis: Measure and analyze the resulting engagement, reach, and sentiment of branded content and campaigns on Snapchat, and easily report on the impact of campaigns.
- Image recognition: Measure brand exposure and ROI of sponsorship activities with AI generated tags on video and image content that can highlight brand names, logos and more.
- Optimized content strategy & performance: Analyze the types of public Snapchat content that perform best and incorporate insights and learnings to boost performance.
- Deeper audience insights: Analyze and learn audiences' attitudes, interests, and preferences and craft more engaging content aligned to audiences’ wants, needs, and interests.
- Trendspotting: Detect emerging themes and trends across public Snapchat profiles.
- Competitive benchmarking: Benchmark and analyze competitors’ content performance on Snapchat and identify opportunities to outperform competitors.
“Meltwater's integration with Snapchat represents a new milestone in social listening, enabling brands to gather meaningful public insights from Snapchat's platform to help them stay informed, competitive, and engaged with their audiences," said Ali Rana, Global Head of Revenue Partnerships, Snap Inc. "We are pleased to welcome Meltwater as an official API partner and look forward to seeing how this integration helps brands and agencies achieve impactful campaign results across the board."
“We’re excited to partner with Snapchat and become an official Snapchat partner,” said Chris Hackney, Chief Product Officer at Meltwater. “With the increased importance of video content across social media, our customers are eager for greater insights into how they can craft standout campaigns and build stronger, more meaningful connections with their audiences. It’s fantastic to see Snapchat leaning into the power of social listening, and enabling brands to better understand how they are performing on this important platform.”
With this integration, Meltwater is well-positioned to support brands in navigating the competitive landscape of social media marketing and ensure they have the insights needed to reach audiences on Snapchat for years to come.
For more information please contact:
Kelly Costello
About Meltwater
Meltwater empowers companies with solutions that span media, social and consumer intelligence. By analyzing ~1 billion pieces of content daily and transforming them into vital insights, Meltwater unlocks the competitive edge to drive results. With 27,000 global customers, 50 offices across six continents, and 2,300 employees, Meltwater is the industry partner for global brands making an impact. Learn more at
About Snapchat
Snap Inc. is a technology company. We believe the camera presents the greatest opportunity to improve the way people live and communicate. We contribute to human progress by empowering people to express themselves, live in the moment, learn about the world, and have fun together. The Company's three core products are Snapchat, a visual messaging app that enhances your relationships with friends, family, and the world; Lens Studio, an augmented reality platform that powers AR across Snapchat and other services; and its AR glasses, Spectacles. For more information, visit
1 Snap Inc. internal data Q3 2024 vs. Q3 2023
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