Citeline Unveils Trialtrove+ and Sitetrove+
Redefining Clinical Trial Planning with Next-Generation Solutions
NEW YORK, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For over two decades, Citeline's Trialtrove and Sitetrove have been trusted by clinical trial professionals worldwide to power smarter decisions with unparalleled data. Today, Citeline announces the launch of Trialtrove+ and Sitetrove+, with new features and enhancements that elevate use of its gold-standard data to a whole new level.
The “plus” in Trialtrove+ and Sitetrove+ represents a broad set of new features designed to create additional efficiencies for clinical researchers, sponsors and planners, including:
- Proprietary performance data: Trial, site and country performance metrics enable users to make data-backed decisions.
- AI chatbot integration: Ella is an intuitive assistant that surfaces answers faster and with precision.
- Enhanced usability: The intuitive interface transforms searches of Citeline's robust database — leveraging over 60,000 data sources — into actionable insights.
- Innovative tools: From a trial health calculator to site comparison capabilities and a KOL-focused Expert Finder, these solutions are built to answer clinical teams' most pressing questions with unprecedented speed and accuracy.
- Advanced analytics: Tracking of key trends coupled with intuitive insights enable users to benchmark and answer critical questions for accelerated decision-making.
This game-changing innovation represents a shift from data discovery to true intelligence, unlocking the potential to save time and resources while improving trial success rates.
“It's a new era for Citeline,” said Christina Masturzo, Vice President of Product at Citeline. “This is the biggest leap forward in clinical trial planning we've ever delivered. With Trialtrove+ and Sitetrove+, we're not just expanding our datasets; we're transforming the way our clients approach trial planning by integrating deeper insights, smarter tools and a user experience that saves countless hours.
“In an increasingly competitive and complex clinical landscape, our clients need tools that do more than deliver data; they need solutions that empower them to act decisively and strategically,” said Masturzo. “Trialtrove+ and Sitetrove+ provide the clarity, confidence and control they need to navigate these challenges and succeed.”
For more information, visit
About Citeline
Citeline, a Norstella company, powers a full suite of complementary business intelligence offerings to meet the evolving needs of life science professionals to accelerate the connection of treatments to patients and patients to treatments. These patient-focused solutions and services deliver and analyze data used to drive clinical, commercial and regulatory-related decisions and create real-world opportunities for growth.
Citeline's global teams of analysts, journalists and consultants keep their fingers on the pulse of the pharmaceutical, biomedical and medtech industries, covering it all with expert insights: key diseases, clinical trials, drug R&D and approvals, market forecasts and more. For more information on one of the world's most trusted health science partners, visit Citeline and follow on LinkedIn and X.
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