Unlock Your Trading Edge with Axi at the 2025 Money Expo Mexico
Broker to showcase their capital allocation program, Axi Select, Manchester City memorabilia, and more
SYDNEY, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi announced that it is attending this year's Money Expo Mexico, taking place on February 26-27, 2025, at Centro Citibanamex.
Event attendees will have the opportunity to learn about Axi Select, Axi's innovative capital allocation program designed to empower ambitious traders on their trading journey, as well as meet Axi Select traders who are well on their way to reaching the $1million milestone. “We invite all traders to visit our team at Booth 14 and uncover the future of trading with Axi,” says Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select at Axi, before adding “We look forward to networking with fellow traders and showcasing the exceptional benefits of Axi Select. Our program features zero registration fees, capital funding of up to $1,000,000 USD, the opportunity to earn up to 90% of the profits, and advanced tools to accelerate traders' trading potential.”
Additionally, visitors can explore their Introducing Broker (IB) and Affiliate programs or learn more about Axi's longstanding partnership with Manchester City, Premier League Champions. Man City memorabilia and the club's mascots will be on-site for photos and attendees stand the chance to win exciting prizes from the broker, including signed player shirts and other merchandise.
The broker has a longstanding partnership with Premier League club, Manchester City FC, as well as LaLiga club, Girona FC, and Brazilian club, Esporte Clube Bahia. In 2023, they also announced England international John Stones as their Brand Ambassador. More recently, the broker was recognised with the ‘Innovator of the Year' award at the 2024 Dubai Forex Expo, as well as being named ‘Most Innovative Proprietary Trading Firm' by Finance Feeds.
The Axi Select programme is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available to AU, NZ, EU and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service.
About Axi
Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, with thousands of customers in 100+ countries worldwide. Axi offers CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Gold, Oil, and more.
For more information or additional comments from Axi, please contact: mediaenquiries@axi.com
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