Policymakers should recognise #SelfCareIsHealthcare in campaign bid to address global health challen
- Self-care describes the role of individuals in preventing disease, promoting and maintaining their mental and physical health, and actively participating in their healthcare
- A wealth of evidence demonstrates the significant value of self-care to individuals, health systems, society and the economy
- Despite this, self-care is not universally viewed or understood as a healthcare intervention and there is unequal access to self-care interventions around the world
GENEVA, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Global Self-Care Federation (GSCF) is urgently calling upon policymakers and health leaders worldwide to embrace self-care as an essential component of healthcare, by ensuring it is fully integrated into national health systems and policies, as part of this year's International Self-Care Day on July 24.
The concept of self-care was first recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1983. It describes the role of individuals in preventing disease, promoting and maintaining their mental and physical health, and actively participating in their healthcare. Examples of self-care practices include medicines, devices, diagnostics digital tools as well as healthy lifestyle choices.
As health systems worldwide continue to face a range of challenges – from increased demand on services, to inequity in access to healthcare – evidence shows that self-care can:
- avert an estimated 3.9 million premature deaths each year, through physical activity alonei
- save nearly $120 billion each year for global healthcare systems and, therefore, national economiesii
- improve the autonomy and agency of disadvantaged groups, including women and girls, in managing their own healthiii
- provide a legitimate tool in the pursuit of universal health coverageiv
Judy Stenmark, Director General of GSCF, said: “Right now, health systems around the world are struggling, long-term ill health is on the rise, health disparities are growing and the impact of COVID-19 is still being felt. Addressing these requires new approaches and strategies, including evidence-based self-care - to achieve sustainable health services fit for the future.
“Our ‘Self-care is healthcare' campaign is all about fuelling the movement for self-care to be recognised as an integral part of healthcare. It aims to drive greater awareness and recognition of the potential of self-care to people and policymakers across the world. At GSCF, we firmly believe that everyone benefits when there is a greater choice of healthcare options and more accessible entries to care.”
Building on this year's International Self-Care Day, GSCF is urging members and campaigners to rally behind the #SelfCareIs movement. This initiative aims to educate global audiences about the critical link between self-care and healthcare. It also encourages engagement with local policymakers and healthcare providers to call on them to put in place plans for the urgent integration of self-care into the healthcare delivery continuum.
To find out more and to get involved, please visit the campaign website: https://self-care-is-healthcare.org/.
Notes to editors
WHO definition of self-care
Self-care is the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.
About The Global Self-Care Federation
The Global Self-Care Federation represents associations and manufacturers in the self-care industry, promoting sustainable and better global health outcomes for all. The Global Self-Care Federation is the go-to source of information for the self-care industry. We work closely with our members and relevant stakeholder groups to deliver better choice, better care and better value. By placing the benefits of self-care at the heart of what we do, promoting industry transparency, and supporting the regulated use of health data, we ensure that self-care continues to play its increasingly vital role in sustainable healthcare, worldwide. For more information please visit: www.selfcarefederation.org.
About International Self-Care Day
International Self-Care Day is held annually on July 24th (7/24), to highlight that the benefits of self-care are experienced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. International Self-Care Day raises awareness of the value of self-care and the benefit that effective self-care can bring to both individuals and healthcare systems as a vital foundation of health.
i https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/self-care-health-interventions#:~:text=Self%2Dcare%20is%20the%20ability,a%20health%20or%20care%20worker.
ii https://www.selfcarefederation.org/ecosoc-report
iii https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02844-8#Sec19
iv https://www.who.int/health-topics/self-care#tab=tab_1
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b4ee215a-f0b4-4837-a280-90659dcf5aa5
Media Contact:
Rachael Tolfrey
+44 7725983319
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