Chris Nelson of HYCU® Recognized on the Prestigious 2025 CRN® Channel Chiefs List
Senior Sales and Channel Industry Veteran Driving Data Protection for On-Premises, Hybrid Cloud, and SaaS IT Environments with Partners Highlight Recognition
Boston, Massachusetts, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HYCU, Inc., a leader for modern data protection for on-prem, cloud services, and SaaS, and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, today announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, has named Chris Nelson, Vice President, Global Sales and Business Development, to the prestigious 2025 CRN® Channel Chiefs list, which recognizes the IT vendor and distribution executives who are driving strategy and setting the channel agenda for their companies.
Chris Nelson has been instrumental in driving sales and establishing a foundation for future success with strategic technology, alliance, and channel partners. Nelson has extensive experience in the data protection, disaster recovery, and multi-cloud industries capitalizing on high-velocity, transactional sales to align with HYCU’s ambitious growth targets.
“This is a tremendous recognition for Chris and his leadership skills. In a short-time since joining HYCU, he has made a significant impact in laying the groundwork for future growth,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU. “Chris provides a balanced approach to leading sales and aligning our strategic channel partners with the services and support they need to be successful in delivering for their customers. At a moment in time when IT continues to be faced with outages, disruptions, the threat of ransomware, and malicious actors, it is critical that our partners have the right solutions in place to protect and recover data no matter what happens and no matter what IT environment they are using, from on-prem to cloud to SaaS. Today, there are still too many unprotected SaaS applications in use across IT, and we all need to work together to make sure that whenever a customer or a partner’s customer faces a disruption, they can be back up and running in minutes, not hours, or days. Congratulations Chris, this is so well deserved. All of us at HYCU are thrilled.”
The Channel Chiefs list, released annually by CRN, showcases the top leaders throughout the IT channel ecosystem who work tirelessly to ensure mutual success with their partners and customers.
“This year’s honorees exemplify dedication, innovation, and leadership that supports solution provider success and fosters growth across the channel,” said Jennifer Follett, VP, U.S. Content, and Executive Editor, CRN, at The Channel Company. “Each of these exceptional leaders has made a lasting channel impact by championing partnerships and designing creative strategies that get results. They’ve set a high bar in the channel, and we’re thrilled to recognize their standout achievements.”
Chris Nelson added, “It's always great to see the external recognition of HYCU's growth and our dedication to the channel community around the world. Our Channel partners reinforce the need to solve customer challenges they face with legacy data protection solutions. The lack of true functionality to manage on-prem solutions, virtual and physical, but that also extend to native public cloud and most importantly the massive growth SaaS data protection needs is critical. We are committed to our global channel, and we are focused on enabling our strategic alliances and partners throughout the coming year.”
CRN’s 2025 Channel Chiefs list will be featured in the February 2025 print issue of CRN® Magazine and online beginning February 3rd at
For more information on HYCU, visit:, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native, and SaaS IT environments, the company provides unrivaled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. The company's award-winning R-Cloud platform eliminates complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make it the#1 SaaS Data Protection platform. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at
About The Channel Company
The Channel Company (TCC) is the global leader in channel growth for the world’s top technology brands. We accelerate success across strategic channels for tech vendors, solution providers, and end users with premier media brands, integrated marketing and event services, strategic consulting, and exclusive market and audience insights. TCC is a portfolio company of investment funds managed by EagleTree Capital, a New York City-based private equity firm. For more information, visit
Follow The Channel Company: LinkedIn, X, and Facebook.
© 2025 The Channel Company, Inc. CRN is a registered trademark of The Channel Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Don Jennings
HYCU, Inc.
Kristin DaSilva
The Channel Company
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