Video Game PR and Marketing Agency UberStrategist Partners with All-Inclusive PR Software Platform P
Video Game PR and Marketing Agency UberStrategist Partners with All-Inclusive PR Software Platform PressEngine and the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) to Create their Inaugural Indie Media Exchange During GDC 2025
Kick-off GDC by attending this exclusive indie-centered showcase, just around the corner from the Moscone convention center
CARY, N.C., Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UberStrategist, a multi-award-winning public relations and full-service marketing agency serving global video game, entertainment, and technology clients, and PressEngine, the leading self-service platform for connecting developers with gaming press, announced today that they have partnered with the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), the largest nonprofit membership organization serving game developers worldwide, to announce the debut of the Indie Media Connect showcase. Join us on March 18, starting at 7 PM and ending at 11 PM PST at 833 Venue, for an evening of networking with industry leaders and celebrating all things indie gaming.
Located right around the corner from the GDC convention center, Indie Media Connect is a first-of-its-kind showcase designed to facilitate networking opportunities for developers of all sizes without high barriers of entry, such as expensive paywalls or painful curation requirements. Spend an evening connecting with prominent gaming journalists and industry professionals, showcasing your project, and fostering meaningful relationships in a relaxed and engaging environment.
Priced at $750 for IGDA members and $1000 for non-members, the package includes access for two people per studio, a covered table with four chairs, power and Wi-Fi, food and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening, a tabletop monitor for showcasing your game, and a personalized logo sign on your table to make your studio's presence stand out.
Additionally, as an "early bird special," the non-member rate includes either a free one-year IGDA membership for individuals or a discounted rate for studios if purchased before February 14, 2025. UberStrategist's on-site staff will assist with the setup and breakdown of your area, ensuring the evening goes smoothly.
UberStrategist aims to give exhibiting studios a cost-effective and hassle-free way to showcase their games, meet with publishers, and conduct business during North America's largest video game tradeshow.
"The IGDA is thrilled to be partnering with UberStrategist for the debut of the Indie Media Connect event," said Dr. Jakin Vela, Executive Director of the International Game Developers Association. "We are committed to lowering the barriers to entry that exist in the gaming industry, giving everyone a chance for a seat at the table. Thanks to the collaboration with UberStrategist and PressEngine, we feel confident and comfortable knowing that all the hard work will be taken care of so exhibitors can turn up and have a productive and successful event."
"Finding ways for independent developers to be seen is vitally important to PressEngine," said Gareth Williams, Chief Operating Officer of PressEngine. "We're driven to always do more for media, content creators, and indie developers, and Indie Media Connect has the vision to amplify the creativity of our industry to tastemakers that can have a huge impact on the success of these games."
"Part of our mission is to help uplift and support our industry peers—showcased through our offerings of indie-friendly services and our frequent work with non-profits that enhance our rich and diverse industry," said UberStrategist CEO Mario R. Kroll. "The IGDA has been a leading advocate for creators of games and the gaming community at large, and it is our honor to support the association and its members by creating an affordable event that helps facilitate networking opportunities for studios of all sizes."
To keep up to date on the latest news from UberStrategist, follow on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), and Instagram, like on Facebook, or visit the official website.
Indie Media Connect packages for GDC 2025 packages can be found at
Gaming publishers, scouts, and investors can RSVP for the event here:
Press can RSVP for the event here:
About UberStrategist
Founded in 2014, UberStrategist, Inc. is a multi-award-winning PR and marketing agency focused on providing the highest level of service to its entertainment and technology clients. Although headquartered in the bustling Raleigh-Durham region of North Carolina, our team of nearly 30 public relations, influencer, event, social media, community management, and content marketing professionals are based across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, and Asia, allowing for truly global capabilities.
A recipient of Inc. Magazine's Inc. 5000 and Inc. Power Partner awards two years in a row, we are one of America’s fastest-growing privately owned companies and among roughly 250 global firms recognized for consistently helping our clients grow and achieve success.
Proudly veteran-owned, we celebrate, encourage, and commit to diversity in the workplace, with most of our leadership positions held by women, veterans, and LGBTQ+ team members. As we firmly believe that our role is to leave the world in better shape than we found it, a significant portion of our proceeds also goes to supporting charitable causes.
Learn more at or in our capabilities deck at
About PressEngine
PressEngine is the leading PR and marketing platform tailored for the video games industry. It offers a suite of features designed to enhance media and influencer engagement, streamline communication, and maximize coverage for video game developers and publishers. With a focus on innovation and results, PressEngine is the single solution to empower PR and marketing teams to greater success.
For more information, please visit
About the IGDA
The International Game Developers Association is the largest nonprofit membership organization serving game developers worldwide. The IGDA is committed to advancing the careers and enhancing the lives of game developers by connecting members with their peers, promoting professional development, and advocating on issues that affect the developer community.
For more information, please visit
Tabitha Beidleman
UberStrategist Inc.
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