A Borderless Celebration: Nova Gorica and Gorizia Open the European Capital of Culture
Slovenian Nova Gorica and Italian Gorizia are coming together to write a new cultural chapter – one without borders. On 8 February 2025, Slovenia’s Cultural Holiday, the twin cities are hosting a spectacular all-day opening celebration. Under the title From Station to Station, the festivities will unfold across streets and squares, brought to life by musicians, dancers, folklorists and performers
NOVA GORICA, Slovenia, Feb. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At Europe Square, the symbolic heart of both cities, the European Capital of Culture will be officially inaugurated. As night falls, the spotlight will move to the open-air stage in front of Nova Gorica’s municipal building, where an unforgettable cultural spectacle will take place.
More about the official opening
Over the coming months, GO! 2025 will bring a thousand unforgettable events to the region, including concerts, theatre, art exhibitions, film screenings, culinary experiences and more.
After the grand opening ceremony, March for Europe (1–9 May) will transform border crossings into art, while Tastes without Borders (26–28 September) will offer a feast of gourmet delights. The Enlightened Closing Ceremony (1–3 December) will illuminate both cities in a spectacular finale. Highlights also include concerts by Alexander Gadjijev, Borderless Body, Dodecalogy 1972–1983, EPIC, ISOLABS, and Benedetti Life, celebrating unity, creativity and cultural heritage.
GO! 2025 is also a chance to explore a region where history, modernism and breathtaking nature converge. Nova Gorica, Slovenia’s youngest city, boasts stunning examples of modernist architecture and sits along the breathtaking Soča River, a paradise for nature lovers. By train, visitors can visit the Soča Valley, discovering the charms of Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec.
Meanwhile, wine lovers and food enthusiasts can indulge in two remarkable wine regions:
- The Vipava Valley, often called the Slovenian Provence, renowned for its sun-kissed vineyards and boutique wineries
- The poetic landscape of Goriška Brda, with beauty and exceptional wines.
To navigate the European Capital of Culture with ease, we invite you to use the Wherever You Go! – GO!2025 web app, which keeps you updated on the latest events, performances and cultural happenings, or the BulevAR app, which uses augmented reality to bring the past and present of Nova Gorica and Gorizia to life.
The Slovenian Tourist Board is deeply engaged in promoting GO! 2025, recognizing arts and culture as a central theme of 2024–2025 promotional activities.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/831b0bb3-dbf9-4d83-ad41-16042aa316cf
Contacts: press@slovenia.info
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