Carestream Makes Contribution to Scholarship Program with New Corporate Partner American Society of
Rochester, New York, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carestream is proud to announce a new corporate partnership with the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), as well as an educational grant contribution to the latter’s ASRT Foundation, which will be applied toward ASRT scholarships and grants for CY 2025.
This new partnership will help advance the ASRT Foundation’s mission to support and empower medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals and students as they pursue opportunities to enhance the quality and safety of patient care.
The ASRT Foundation has awarded more than $422,000 and 99 scholarships in the 2024-25 fiscal year. Recipients are selected based on evidence of commitment, leadership, achievement, and financial need.
About Carestream Health
Carestream is a worldwide provider of medical imaging systems; X-ray imaging systems for non-destructive testing; and precision contract coating services for a wide range of industrial, medical, electronic, and other applications—all backed by a global service and support network. For more information about the company’s broad portfolio of products, solutions, and services, please contact your Carestream representative, or call 1-888-777-2072, or visit .
CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health.
Melody Warner Carestream Health 5857898735
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