Bitget Wallet Becomes The Second Most Downloaded App Closing in on Binance
Bitget Wallet Surpasses 40M users with 100% Growth in 6 Months, Emerging as A Web3 Gateway Over Crypto Exchanges
VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Bitget Wallet, the leading Web3 non-custodial wallet, has seen nearly 6 million app downloads in September, becoming the second most downloaded crypto app worldwide trailing Binance and surpassing the majority of Web3 wallets and crypto exchanges in new user adoption. Bitget Wallet has also announced the milestone of surpassing 40 million users globally, increasing over 100% since March 2024. This significant growth positions Bitget Wallet as the fastest-growing decentralized wallet this year, and shows the growing demand for decentralized solutions, positioning them as primary entry points into Web3.
<Bitget Wallet Hits 40M users with 100% Growth in 6 Months, Emerging as A Web3 Gateway Over Exchanges>
Key Drivers Behind Explosive Growth
Several key factors have fueled Bitget Wallet's impressive growth. Its intuitive user interface and robust product features make decentralized finance accessible, particularly for first-time crypto users. The wallet seamlessly integrates all of Web3 in one app—including asset management, swaps, launchpads, crypto trading, staking, and a DApp explorer—into a single platform. A pivotal aspect of its growth this year has been the integration with TON ecosystem and Telegram, which has facilitated user access to wallet services directly within the popular messaging platform, bridging Web2 users into Web3. In Q3 alone, the wallet saw an incredible 4886% growth in TON onchain addresses. Additionally, Bitget Wallet has gained significant traction in emerging markets, allowing for a smooth onboarding experience for new users entering crypto space. Notably, Bitget Wallet saw the strongest user growth in Q3 recorded in regions like Africa with a staggering 413% increase, followed by South Asia at 126% and the Middle-East at 105%.
Decentralized Wallets: The Future Gateway to Web3
Bitget Wallet's rapid expansion signifies a broader trend in the industry: decentralized wallets are emerging as essential gateways to Web3, increasingly competing with centralized exchanges in terms of user base and functionality. More wallets are now working directly with Web2 platforms, such as payment solutions and social messaging apps, to increase the usability of tokens directly from self-custodial wallets. However, the Web3 landscape still faces challenges, particularly in terms of user retention. While onboarding has become easier, retaining users within decentralized ecosystems can be difficult due to limited real-world use cases and complex user interfaces. Therefore, it is critical to develop user-friendly applications and facilitate seamless interactions to ensure long-term engagement in this evolving digital landscape.
Seamless Integration of All Web3 Services in One App
Since its founding in 2018, Bitget Wallet has established itself as a comprehensive Web3 hub. It supports 100+ blockchains, 20,000+ DApps and millions of tokens onchain, positioning it among the largest decentralized marketplaces. The wallet's seamless swap feature allows for fast and cost-effective token exchanges, sourcing the best prices by aggregating liquidity from 100+ DEXes. In Q3, swap activity on Bitget Wallet grew 125%, while DApp activities increased 128%, and token transfers jumped by 175%, reflecting the rising adoption of decentralized financial services. Furthermore, its advanced tools—including full candlestick charts, Smart Money Alerts and hot token discovery—provide users with real-time, in-depth market insights to make informed trading decisions. With a focus on security, Bitget Wallet includes features such as keyless MPC wallet, on-chain fund tracking, and a $300 million user protection fund, ensuring a safe and user-friendly experience.
A Vision for the Future of Web3
Alvin Kan, COO of Bitget Wallet, remarked, "Surpassing 40 million users is a testament to our vision of making crypto accessible to everyone, everywhere. Bitget Wallet registered nearly 6 million downloads in a month, closing in on top exchanges signaling that decentralized wallets are catching up with centralized platforms, and we're excited to be leading this shift. Our mission is clear: to provide a secure and user-friendly gateway to Web3 for the next billion users." He added, "The future of Web3 depends on how effectively we bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. By integrating with platforms like Telegram, we're simplifying crypto adoption for mainstream users and creating tools that enable seamless interaction with decentralized platforms. Decentralized wallets will evolve to serve as one of the primary entry points for billions of new users exploring Web3 for the first time."
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet stands as one of the world's leading non-custodial Web3 wallets and decentralized ecosystem platform. With the Bitget Onchain Layer, the wallet is well-poised to develop a burgeoning DeFi ecosystem through co-creation and strategic incubation. Aside from a powerful Swap function, Bitget Wallet also offers multi-chain asset management, smart money insights, a native Launchpad, Inscriptions Center, and an Earning Center. Supporting over 100 major blockchains, 500,000+ tokens, and a wide array of DApps, Bitget Wallet is your top wallet for asset discovery and Web3 exploration.
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