Tealium achieves the first AWS Automotive Competency in the CDP category
Tealium is recognized for its demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in the automotive space
San Diego, Feb. 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tealium, the intelligent real-time data streaming platform, has achieved the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Automotive Competency. Tealium has also accomplished AWS Competencies in Advertising and Marketing, Retail, Data and Analytics, Travel and Hospitality, and Financial Services.
Achieving the AWS Automotive Competency recognizes Tealium for its expertise in providing solutions that allow automotive companies and dealerships to accelerate business outcomes and performance.
“Achieving the AWS Automotive Competency underscores Tealium’s commitment to empowering automotive brands with real-time, privacy-compliant customer data solutions,” said Matt Gray, Global VP of Partnerships at Tealium. “In an industry where personalized experiences and operational efficiency are critical, Tealium’s CDP integrated with AWS enables automakers and dealerships to unify data across online and offline touchpoints, optimize engagement strategies, and drive measurable business outcomes. We’re proud to be the first CDP to achieve this competency and look forward to accelerating digital transformation for our automotive customers.”
AWS Automotive Partners provide joint customers with AWS-validated solutions and services. Achieving the AWS Automotive Competency differentiates Tealium in the AWS Partner Network (APN) with demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in running cloud solutions on AWS for the automotive industry.
To achieve the AWS Automotive Competency, AWS Partners must undergo a rigorous technical validation by AWS solution architects and have verified customer references.
In a recent case study, Morgan Auto Group leveraged Tealium's CDP integrated with AWS to transform its customer data management. This partnership unified fragmented customer data across online and offline touchpoints, enabled real-time tracking with privacy compliance, and delivered more personalized experiences. The solution particularly excelled in key areas like buying tool abandonment retargeting and service department appointment follow-ups, demonstrating how the Tealium-AWS technology stack can drive innovation and competitive advantage in automotive retail.
“Tealium has been an outstanding partner with the Morgan Automotive Group as we seek to deliver the best customer experience, reduce advertising waste, and generate new revenue streams from our first-party data,” said Tom Moore, COO of Morgan Automotive Group.
In 2024, Tealium signed a Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS to accelerate innovation and customer success.
Learn more about Tealium’s solutions for the automotive industry.
To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.
About Tealium
Tealium helps companies collect, govern, and enrich their customer data in real-time to power AI initiatives and delight customers in the moments that matter. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium’s solutions include a real-time customer data platform (CDP) with intelligent AI data streaming, tag management, and an API hub. Tealium’s data collection, management, and activation capabilities enable enterprises to accelerate operating performance, enhance customer experiences, drive better outcomes, and support global data compliance. Named as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com.
Natalie Passarelli Tealium Inc. natalie.passarelli@tealium.com
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