Boulder Imaging Powers First CDI2-Compliant Technology for Central Banks
LOUISVILLE, Colo., Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boulder Imaging, a leader in machine vision and artificial intelligence solutions, is proud to announce the world’s first Common Detector Interface 2 (CDI2)-compliant software. This pioneering software, combined with Authentix GemVision™ sensors and image processing and fitness algorithms, is designed to deliver unprecedented speed and accuracy in banknote authentication and quality assessment.
The Common Detector Interface 2 (CDI2) standard, developed by the U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, represents a significant advancement for central banks globally. This high-tech solution standardizes banknote inspection, reduces currency waste, optimizes quality, and lowers environmental impact by increasing the lifespan of notes in circulation.
Not only does Boulder Imaging’s software comply with the CDI2 standard, but it also exceeds the requirements in many areas. The software assesses the quality of each banknote at a rate of 40 notes per second—or more than 140,000 notes per hour—with an accuracy rate exceeding 99.99%. This commitment to excellence is validated by the company's Intergraf certification, which ensures compliance with the highest international standards for the banknote and security industry.
“Through Boulder Imaging’s leadership, CDI2 has transitioned from a technical specification to an operational reality, increasing yield and reducing costs for central banks,” said Don Mills, president and chief operating officer at Boulder Imaging. “We remain committed to delivering innovative tools that ensure speed, accuracy, and scalability for years to come.”
The industry-wide adoption of CDI2 is expected to revolutionize currency management, enabling central banks to select the most suitable detection technologies from multiple suppliers. As the banknote industry embraces this new standard, Boulder Imaging is well-positioned to provide flexible and customizable solutions, allowing central banks to optimize their banknote management processes and accommodate future security features and materials for next-generation banknotes.
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About Boulder Imaging
Founded in 1995, Boulder Imaging develops and delivers innovative machine vision and artificial intelligence solutions that transform quality assurance. With unprecedented speed, accuracy, and scalability, its inspection systems solve the toughest challenges in industries including architectural products, automotive, renewable energy, security paper, and banknotes. Headquartered in Colorado, USA, Boulder Imaging is committed to advancing machine vision technology to address complex inspection needs worldwide. For more information, visit
About Authentix
As the authority in authentication solutions, Authentix brings enhanced visibility and traceability to today’s complex global supply chains. For over 25 years, Authentix has provided clients with physical and software-enabled solutions to detect, mitigate, and prevent counterfeiting and other illicit trading activity for currency, excise taxable goods, and branded consumer products. The CDI2 sensors are the fifth generation of high-speed sensors that Authentix has sold to central banks. Through a proven partnership model and sector expertise, clients experience custom solution design, rapid implementation, consumer engagement, and complete program management to ensure product safety, revenue protection, and consumer trust for the best-known global brands on the market. Headquartered in Addison, Texas USA, Authentix, Inc. has offices in North America, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Africa serving clients worldwide. For more information, visit Authentix® is a registered trademark of Authentix, Inc.
CONTACT INFORMATION Tawney Eisenbraun Marketing and Communications Manager |
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