Beyoncé’s Winning Streak Continues as She Brings Grammy’s Glory to Madame Tussauds Sydney
Studios Artist with NEW Madame Tussauds Sydney Beyoncé Figure
Studios Artist with NEW Madame Tussauds Sydney Beyoncé Figure
NEW Beyoncé Figure at Madame Tussauds Sydney
NEW Beyoncé Figure at Madame Tussauds Sydney
SYDNEY, Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following her historic Grammy Awards triumph, the world is celebrating Beyoncé like never before, and to add to her list of achievements, Queen Bey made her spectacular debut at Madame Tussauds Sydney last week!
“The timing couldn't be more perfect as her stunning figure's unveiling comes fresh off the back of Queen B's show-stopping Grammy Awards appearance, where she further cemented her legacy as the most decorated artist in Grammy history by winning Album of the Year for the first time,” said Georgia Hooper, Executive at Madame Tussauds Sydney. "She’s been at the top of the guest’s request list, so we're excited to finally welcome the world's biggest superstar to Sydney. Her arrival transforms our Illuminate Sydney zone into the ultimate A-list party – after all, it's not really a party until Beyoncé arrives."
Sydney’s newest A-list resident brings an unmistakable air of superstardom to the attraction's Illuminate Sydney zone and is wearing a stunning recreation of her iconic 2023 Grammy Awards gown, celebrating the groundbreaking Renaissance era that has redefined modern pop culture.
It’s the first time Beyoncé has taken residence at Madame Tussauds Sydney and now she’s here to stay! The meticulously crafted figure took nine months to create and will take centre stage in the attraction’s A-list zone, Illuminate Sydney, where guests can strike their fiercest pose alongside the music industry’s reigning Queen.
Guests are invited to get in "formation" and create their own Grammy-worthy moments with one of entertainment's most influential icons. For more information and to book tickets, visit
Notes to Editor
Please find additional behind the scenes footage of Beyoncé’s measurements being taken for her wax figure here.
About Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds is the global barometer of fame. We immortalise celebrity. By recreating iconic moments of fame, we give you the chance to mingle with the mighty, to tread the red carpet and to get up close to the stars in a way the internet can’t. We cast the magic through a fusion of astonishingly life-like figures, interactive sets, and cutting-edge technology which make you feel like you are there with extraordinary people in their moments of fame. After all, we deliver experiences based on a 250-year-old legacy: that all guests should experience the thrill of feeling like they have met with fame.
About Merlin Entertainments:
Merlin Entertainments is a world leader in branded entertainment destinations, offering a diverse portfolio of resort theme parks, city-centre gateway attractions and LEGOLAND® Resorts which span across the UK, US, Western Europe, China and Asia Pacific. Dedicated to creating experiences that inspire joy and connection, Merlin welcomes more than 62 million guests annually to its growing estate, with over 140 sites across 23 countries. An expert in bringing world-famous entertainment brands to life, Merlin works with partners including the LEGO® Group, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Peppa Pig, DreamWorks and Ferrari to create destinations where guests can immerse themselves in a wide array of brand-driven worlds, rides and uplifting learning experiences. See for more information.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
For further information please contact:
Claire Frawley, PR Manager at Merlin Entertainments,
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