Unipart launches in Vietnam
OXFORD, United Kingdom, Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Unipart, the supply chain performance improvement partner, has launched operations in Vietnam.
Unipart's capabilities in Vietnam include the provision of consultancy, logistics & transportation, planning & supply chain management, improvement technologies, and distributor & wholesaler products and services for customers.
Vietnam's thriving manufacturing sector is reported by The World Bank to have grown by an average of 10% annually over the past decade and, according to Statista, Vietnam's e-commerce market is projected to reach $56bn by 2025. In January 2025, Foreign Direct Investment pledges, an indicator of future disbursements, increased by 48.6% from a year earlier to $4.33bn, according to the Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment.
Vietnam is Unipart's 22nd market and sixth market in the Asia Pacific region. Unipart has extensive experience working with customers in this region for the past three decades, making supply chains more efficient, resilient and sustainable across a number of sectors including automotive, e-commerce, rail, and industrial.
Unipart Vietnam Territory Director Richard Nguyen will lead Unipart's operations in Vietnam, bringing more than 20 years of experience in commercial, operational, and management roles within freight and logistics across Asia and Canada. He has a proven track record of successfully leading sales and customer service teams, along with extensive expertise in warehousing and distribution.
Darren Leigh, Unipart CEO, said: “Vietnam's economic landscape is undergoing a dynamic transformation, attracting a surge of foreign direct investment. Coincided with its strategic location and being a strong manufacturer, this has solidified its position as a key player in the global supply chain, creating a wealth of opportunities for businesses seeking to diversify their own supply chains. As a British company with extensive experience and expertise supporting growing supply chains in a range of sectors globally, we look forward to playing a key role in Vietnam's ongoing transformation.”
Richard Nguyen, Unipart Vietnam Territory Director, said: "Unipart's global expertise in a wide range of sectors will enable us to tackle the common supply chain challenges, such as sustainability, infrastructure, efficiency, and disruptions, that customers are facing in the Asia Pacific region. By combining our global expertise with local knowledge, we will deliver efficiency, resilience and growth to customers, becoming a trusted partner in this dynamic market.”
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For further information, please contact:
Alistair Drummond, Head of External Communications
T: +44(0)7771 798835
E: alistair.drummond@unipart.com
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