ITC bars importation of power modules and unlicensed computing systems that infringe Vicor patents
ANDOVER, Mass., Feb. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ: VICR) today announced that, on February 13, the International Trade Commission (“ITC”) issued a Notice of Final Determination in its Investigation No. 337-TA-1370 (“In the Matter of Certain Power Converter Modules and Computing Systems Containing the Same”), confirming that Vicor U.S. Patent Nos. 9,516,761 (“'761 patent”) and 9,166,481 (“'481 patent”) are valid and infringed, and that unlicensed computing systems containing infringing power modules should be barred from importation into the United States.
The ITC issued a Limited Exclusion Order against all Respondents and Cease and Desist Orders against Respondents Delta Electronics (Americas) Ltd., Quanta Computer USA Inc. and Quanta Computer Inc., FII USA Inc., and Ingrasys Technology USA Inc.
Following the determination, for a mandatory 60-day presidential review period, Respondents may import infringing power modules and computing systems upon posting a bond. The ITC set the bond amount for the computing systems at 100% of the system's value. Following the expiration of the presidential review period, Respondents would be prohibited from importing infringing power modules and computing systems.
The Final Determination reversed a prior finding that Foxconn Respondents did not have a license to Vicor patents and instead found that two Foxconn affiliates—FII USA, Inc. and Ingrasys Technology, Inc.—have a license to the '761 patent, based on boilerplate clauses in these entities' purchase orders for Vicor components. Vicor intends to appeal this finding to the Federal Circuit.
“As expected, Respondents are now subject to exclusion and cease and desist orders, exposing their unlicensed customers to severe consequences,” stated Chief Executive Officer Dr. Patrizio Vinciarelli. “Mindful of the risk of AI and computing systems being barred from importation into the U.S., certain OEM and non-OEM customers of infringing contract manufacturers have taken licenses. We look forward to additional steps to protect Vicor IP, including a trial in the Eastern District of Texas, where Vicor seeks monetary damages for willful infringement.”
For more information on Vicor and its products, please visit the Company's website at
About Vicor
Vicor Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets modular power components and complete power systems based upon a portfolio of patented technologies. Headquartered in Andover, Massachusetts, Vicor sells its products to the power systems market, including enterprise and high performance computing, industrial equipment and automation, telecommunications and network infrastructure, vehicles and transportation, aerospace and defense.
Vicor is a registered trademark of Vicor Corporation.
James F. Schmidt
Chief Financial Officer
Office: (978) 470-2900
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