FloQast Appoints Josh Glover as President and Chief Revenue Officer
Glover brings seasoned leadership to drive company momentum, oversee revenue growth, and market expansion
LOS ANGELES, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FloQast, a Finance and Accounting Operations Platform provider, today announced the appointment of Josh Glover as President and Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). Glover brings to FloQast an extensive background in leadership in both civilian and military roles and will be instrumental in driving FloQast’s current momentum both in terms of revenue growth, market expansion, and the development of new solutions to better the lives of accounting and finance professionals. Glover will oversee all go-to-market teams (sales, marketing, business development, and customer success) and will report to FloQast co-founder and CEO Mike Whitmire. As part of the transition, former CRO Ken Sims will assume the title of Chief Business Development Officer, a newly created role dedicated to driving growth for FloQast in both new and existing markets.
Prior to joining FloQast, Glover served as President and Chief Revenue Officer at nCino, a global leader in cloud banking. During his 11-year tenure at nCino, Glover played a pivotal role in the company's growth and expansion, contributing to its growth into a global, NASDAQ-listed organization. Joining nCino as an individual contributor and its 23rd employee, Glover held various key positions while building and scaling the global revenue organization. Glover started his software career in a customer success role and brings a customer-first mindset to driving revenue growth with FloQast.
"We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Josh Glover to the FloQast team as our new President and Chief Revenue Officer," said Mike Whitmire, CPA, CEO and co-founder of FloQast. "His exceptional leadership qualities, coupled with his extensive experience in revenue generation and business strategy make him the ideal candidate to lead our revenue growth efforts. We look forward to his contributions as we continue to expand our market presence and drive customer success."
Before his career in the technology sector, Glover served with distinction as a Marine Corps Special Operations and Infantry Officer for over ten years. He led Marines during four combat deployments, including three tours to Iraq with 1st Battalion 5th Marine Regiment, and one deployment to Afghanistan as a special operations team commander with MARSOC’s 2d Marine Raider Battalion. Glover’s military awards and commendations include the Silver Star Medal, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, three Purple Heart Medals, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the Major General Edwin B. Wheeler Infantry Excellence Award.
"Joining FloQast presents an exciting opportunity to contribute to the ongoing growth of a company with great global momentum. FloQast has already established an impressive name for itself in the industry, and I’m excited to help these passionate entrepreneurs continue accelerating its growth," said Glover. "The company's dedicated team, demonstrated commitment to customer success, and proven ability to deliver innovative solutions sets it apart from the competition, and I am looking forward to working with the entire FloQast team to continue its momentum."
Glover is a distinguished graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, where he earned his undergraduate degree in 2001. He later obtained an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Committed to giving back to his community, Glover currently serves on the board of directors of the Marine Raider Foundation and the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots Foundation. Glover, a native of Texas, currently resides in Wilmington, North Carolina, with his family.
For more information on open positions at FloQast, visit the company careers page and follow FloQast on LinkedIn.
About FloQast
FloQast, a Finance and Accounting Operations Platform provider created by accountants for accountants, enables organizations to operationalize accounting excellence. Trusted by more than 2,600 accounting teams – including Twilio, Los Angeles Lakers, Zoom, and Snowflake – FloQast enhances the way accounting teams work, enabling customers to streamline and manage the Financial Close, Finance and Accounting Operations, and Compliance Programs. With FloQast, teams can utilize the latest advancements in AI technology to manage every aspect of the month-end Close, reduce their compliance burden, stay audit-ready, and improve accuracy, visibility, and collaboration throughout the financial function. FloQast is consistently rated #1 across all user review sites. Learn more at FloQast.com.
Kyle Cabodi
FloQast Director of Corporate Communications
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