BYD Energy Storage Signed World's Largest Grid-scale Battery Storage Projects of 12.5GWh
SHENZHEN, Feb. 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Recently, BYD Energy Storage and Saudi Electricity Company successfully signed the world's largest grid-scale energy storage projects contracts with a capacity of 12.5GWh at the time. Combined with the previously delivered 2.6GWh project, the total cooperation now has amounted to a massive 15.1GWh of projects.
The Project Kick-off Meeting
This cooperation is a pivotal stride towards advancing Saudi Arabia's renewable energy industry and aligning with the ambitious goals set forth in Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 initiative. In response to the pressing global climate challenges, SEC has been steadfast in its commitment to reshaping Saudi Arabia's energy landscape and spearheading exploration in renewable energy, driven by the Kingdom's ambition to achieve its optimal energy mix of 50% of renewables by 2030.
The BESS equipment in the projects will be installed at five sites in the country. BYD Energy Storage will supply new-generation MC Cube-T ESS that adopt its globally pioneering CTS (Cell-to-System) super-integrated technology, with a Vcts (proportion of cell volume to system volume) index exceeding 33%. These installations will integrate into Saudi Arabia's power transmission network, playing a pivotal role in addressing challenges posed by the rising number of renewable energy generation systems, ensuring stable power supply, and meeting peak energy demands.
17 years ago, the first pilot BESS system was delivered from BYD to the market to seek for the potential value of LFP-based battery storage system to be coupled in electricity network system. To date, BYD Energy Storage has delivered over 75GWh of BESS equipment to 350 projects spanning more than 110 countries and regions worldwide. Its diverse product portfolio caters to various application scenarios across generation side, utility side and consumption side, forming a complete industrial chain encompassing research, development, manufacturing, sales, and service. BYD Energy Storage proved itself to be well-equipped to supply an ultra-large-scale project exceeding 15.1GWh.
This landmark project will redefine the value and status of electrochemical energy storage solutions in the global energy landscape. Taking this cooperation as a new starting point, BYD Energy Storage will continue to increase investment in technology research and development and join hands with global partners to usher in a new era of energy transition, leading the energy storage industry towards a clean and sustainable future.
Media Contact:
Qifen Zhong
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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