At the Yacht Club the 4th edition of the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous
TURIN, Italy, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - An ecosystem driving change in marinas. Organised by Monaco Marina Management (M3), the 4th edition of the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous will take place at the Yacht Club de Monaco (22-23 September 2024). The event will gather 250+ delegates at the Ycm, including entrepreneurs, industrialists, investors, promoters and marina developers from all over the world. There, an exhibition area will provide an opportunity for all to see and test the latest innovations from the selected startups and scaleups.
Three key topics will be debated at workshops: energy transition and sustainability, including greener fuels and waste reduction; building resilient, energy-efficient infrastructure; and diversifying marina services. The main objectives are to encourage collaboration, develop sustainable strategies, and drive the adoption of best practices in sustainable marina management. During the meeting there will be three keynote talks exploring how technology, the banking sector and architecture can transform marinas. This year, architects and students are invited to submit designs for a floating marina in ecologically sensitive areas. A jury, chaired by the Zaha Hadid Architects firm, alongside Jean-Michel Wilmotte and experts, will assess the projects. At the end of two days of exchanges and networking, the International Smart & Sustainable Marina Awards will be presented on Monday 23 rd September 2024 at 4.00pm to the winners in three categories: Startups & Scaleups, Marinas, and Architects (professionals & students).
“Faced with today's environmental challenges, we firmly believe the key is to put innovators in direct contact with marina operators and other professionals in the sector to get technological solutions in place. Together, thanks to everyone's expertise, we can create marinas that are models of sustainable excellence,” explains José Marco Casellini, CEO of M3, a Monaco-based consultancy specialising in development, management and promotion of marinas, yacht clubs and sailing schools. Under the aegis of the collective ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting' initiative, the meeting is supported by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Principality's digital transition programme Extended Monaco, alongside UBS, Sanlorenzo, MB92 Group and Bombardier. “Our main driver of innovation is sustainability and we are delighted to support this event once again this year. Taking part in this meeting of the brightest and boldest minds and witnessing the innovative and tangible solutions that are brought forward give us optimism and confidence to define a new norm for the future,” says Emmanuel Bornand, Vice President, International Business Aircraft Sales, Bombardier.
As the curtain fell on the 11th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, combining Tech Talks and on-water contests that saw 40 universities and 450 students from 25 nations showcasing their progress in alternative propulsion technology, Yacht Club de Monaco continues to support innovation in pursuit of sustainability in the yachting sector. “Preserving the environment is at the heart of what most concerns us. Protecting our planet's rich yet fragile marine ecosystem is our top priority. If you want to raise the bar, you have to become an agent of change,” says YCM President, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, when outlining the roadmap. This commitment is reflected in the Sea Index, a benchmark measuring the environmental impact of yachts (+25m), available to owners and shipyards, and is now applied in 15 harbors and marinas from Menton to Saint-Tropez, Corsica, and those operated by SEPM in Monaco.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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