Mavenir and EdgeQ Introduce Industry's First Software-Defined 4G and 5G Next Generation Small C
Companies bring together multi-generation expertise to deliver flexible, rapidly deployable and low-power small cells for indoor and outdoor environments
RICHARDSON, Texas, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mavenir, the cloud-native network infrastructure provider building the future of networks, and EdgeQ, a leader in 5G wireless infrastructure, unveil the next generation of indoor and outdoor small cells at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025. The cloud-native, software programmable small cells deliver both 4G and 5G on a single chip, allowing customers to dynamically reconfigure and elastically scale from 4G to 5G without any hardware change, redesign, or reinstallation.
The collaboration introduces new capabilities aimed at enterprise and neutral host providers for indoor environments and meet the demands of communication service providers (CSPs) needing cutting-edge outdoor equipment to support urban densification.
The next generation small cell offering will focus on enabling flexibility, low power consumption, and ease of deployment. The solution empowers CSPs to address rapidly increasing data traffic demands while ensuring a long-term return on investment. The small cell solution, set for general availability in 2Q 2025, will support a range of 4G and 5G spectrum bands, and flexible configurations from single-band 4G or 5G setups to complex multi-band combinations, on a single board. Additionally, the solution offers a future-proof approach with remote software upgrades, allowing CSPs to migrate smoothly from 4G to 5G without hardware changes and maximizing their investments.
Sachin Karkala, SVP & GM RAN at Mavenir, said: “This strategic relationship will be disruptive for the small cell market, introducing new capabilities that meet a wide range of needs. EdgeQ is a partner that's working at the cutting edge of silicon technology, and this partnership enables increased levels of flexibility for CSPs, enterprises and neutral host providers. We're changing the economics of 5G deployments with small cells by reducing energy consumption, simplifying deployment and ensuring long-term ROI.”
Mavenir's indoor small cell solution leverages EdgeQ's highly programmable “Base station-on-a-chip” to deliver a singular solution that is dynamically configurable to help service providers navigate 4G to 5G migration, NSA to SA migration, TDD and FDD migration, and multi-carrier support. The lean design is ideal for both indoor and outdoor deployments where ubiquity of coverage at low TCO is expected by operators.
Vinay Ravuri, Founder and CEO of EdgeQ, said: “We are delighted to partner with Mavenir to enable a new category of small cells that converges multiple radios, bands, and carriers at new unit economics long sought after by service providers. The flexibility that we are enabling with Mavenir will drive frictionless small cell deployments by meeting the short and long-term needs of all connectivity providers. Our state-of-the-art 4G and 5G platform makes the widest range of spectrum configurations possible and ensures a clear upgrade path as traffic grows.”
Mavenir's small cell solutions enable enhanced network capacity and coverage in indoor and outdoor environments meeting the full range of public and private network use cases.
Mavenir's full radio portfolio will be displayed at the upcoming MWC Barcelona, March 3-6, in Hall 2, Stand 2H60. For more on Mavenir's presence at the show visit
About Mavenir:
Mavenir is building the future of networks today with cloud-native, AI-enabled solutions which are green by design, empowering operators to realize the benefits of 5G and achieve intelligent, automated, programmable networks. As the pioneer of Open RAN and a proven industry disruptor, Mavenir's award-winning solutions are delivering automation and monetization across mobile networks globally, accelerating software network transformation for 300+ Communications Service Providers in over 120 countries, which serve more than 50% of the world's subscribers. For more information, please visit
About EdgeQ
EdgeQ is a Silicon Valley based semiconductor company that has developed the world's first software-defined 4G+5G “Base Station-on-a-Chip,” giving customers the revolutionary ability to build and deploy cellular networks on a single chip the size of a coin. Led by executives from Qualcomm, Intel, and Broadcom, EdgeQ is pioneering converged connectivity and AI that is fully software-customizable and programmable. The company is backed by world-renowned investors and industry titans. To learn more about EdgeQ, visit
PR Contacts:
Mavenir: Emmanuela Spiteri |
EdgeQ: Edward Wu (Head of Marketing) |
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