Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2025: The Yacht Club de Monaco Leads Innovation in Sustainable Boating
MONACO, Feb. 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, a flagship event for sustainable mobility in the maritime sector, reaches its 12th edition and will take place in Monaco from July 1 to 5, 2025. Organized by the Yacht Club de Monaco, with the support of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, UBS, BMW, and SBM Offshore, the competition has, since its debut in 2014, showcased groundbreaking innovations in propulsion and hull design, attracting leading names such as Monaco Marine, Oceanco, Ferretti Group, Azimut Benetti Group, Sanlorenzo, and Lürssen. Following a record-breaking edition in 2024, the 2025 event is set to offer new opportunities for young talents, professionals, and marine technology enthusiasts. Forty teams, representing 20 different nationalities, have already confirmed their participation.
Beyond the thrilling sea trials, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge fosters dialogue between academia and industry. In 2025, SBM Offshore strengthens its involvement by joining the Corporate Mentoring Programme, supporting teams from the University of Cambridge and the Université Technique de Nantes, newcomers to the competition. The Monegasque company will provide equipment and technical expertise in key areas such as hydrogen technology and technical inspections.
A key initiative of this edition is the Job Forum, designed to connect professionals with young talents seeking career opportunities. The event will also feature two major thematic conferences: on July 3, the Advanced Yachting Technology Conference will offer insights into the latest innovations in sustainable yachting, while on July 4, the sixth edition of the Hydrogen and Alternative Fuels Conference, organized by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Energy Transition Mission, and the YCM, will focus on alternative energy sources and advancements in hydrogen technology.
The 2025 edition showcases four categories. The most notable innovation is the AI Class, dedicated to autonomous boats equipped with artificial intelligence for navigation and energy management. With nine teams already registered, this category aims to explore AI applications in the maritime sector. The Energy Class, introduced in 2018, continues to challenge teams to develop innovative solutions on standardized hulls provided by the YCM. This year, 21 teams from 14 countries will compete using hydrogen, batteries, wind turbines, and other advanced solutions. The SeaLab Class welcomes prototypes up to 12 meters, incorporating alternative energy systems such as green methanol, and includes, for the first time, a team from South Korea. Finally, the Open Sea Class, reserved for the industry, will showcase CE-certified zero-emission prototypes up to 25 meters, competing exclusively for the speed record.
Once again, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation will present the Sustainable Yachting Technology Award, a €25,000 prize for the most innovative project in energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction. With teams from around the globe and a strong spirit of collaboration, the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge 2025 reaffirms its position as an international showcase for sustainable technologies, contributing to a cleaner, more efficient, and environmentally responsible future for the maritime industry.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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