SES and Quvia to Codevelop New-Generation Multi-Orbit Solutions to Enhance Quality of Experience
New partnership combines SES and Quvia’s expertise in technology and innovation for improved network delivery and optimisation in multiple market segments, powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning
SES is partnering with Quvia, the AI-powered quality of experience (QoE) platform formerly known as Neuron, to advance SES’s multi-orbit connectivity solutions by enhancing network orchestration capabilities. The collaboration combines SES and Quvia technologies to intelligently manage network resources and adapt dynamically to customer demand, driving enhanced QoE for SES’s mobility, enterprise and cloud customers, both companies announced today.
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SES and Quvia are integrating SES’s Adaptive Resource Control (ARC) system with Quvia’s Grid and Network Capacity Controller (NCC) solutions to intelligently orchestrate SES’s multi-orbit services. NCC is the first solution to dynamically allocate satellite capacity across multiple customer endpoints. The ARC, Grid, and NCC systems will be able to communicate to analyse customer demand and respond dynamically, pushing capacity from SES’s satellite network to the edge. As a result, SES customers will get the high-quality connectivity they need, precisely when and where they need it, optimising resources, performance, and QoE.
In addition, SES is deploying Quvia’s QoE analytics solutions to measure and monitor customer QoE. Quvia’s QoE scoring system includes network, application and usage metrics, and extends across antennas, routers and third-party systems to deliver an end-to-end view of QoE from the network core to the end-user.
“Our partnership with SES marks a leap forward in multi-orbit connectivity, redefining what’s possible for global networks,” said Benny Retnamony, founder and CEO of Quvia. “By combining our expertise, we’re unlocking new levels of flexibility, reliability, and performance that directly enhance digital experiences for customers and the people who rely on their services.”
“SES is uniquely positioned as an all-orbit solutions provider. By collaborating with Quvia, SES can seamlessly deliver multi-orbit satellite connectivity services as a one-stop shop for customers, aggregating multiple links, routing traffic as needed and measuring the QoE for guaranteed levels of service. This latest partnership demonstrates our commitment to drive new opportunities that accelerate the future of connectivity and digital experiences for our customers,” said Xavier Bertrán, Chief Product & Innovation Officer of SES.
SES and Quvia at MWC25
During MWC25, SES and Quvia will demo a multi-orbit cellular backhaul solution that can provide guaranteed levels of service and QoE to enterprise customers.
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About SES
SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing experiences everywhere on Earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless data connectivity services around the world. As a provider of global content and connectivity solutions, SES owns and operates a geosynchronous orbit fleet and medium earth orbit (GEO-MEO) constellation of satellites, offering a combination of global coverage and high performance services. By using its intelligent, cloud-enabled network, SES delivers high-quality connectivity solutions anywhere on land, at sea or in the air, and is a trusted partner to telecommunications companies, mobile network operators, governments, connectivity and cloud service providers, broadcasters, video platform operators and content owners around the world. The company is headquartered in Luxembourg and listed on Paris and Luxembourg stock exchanges (Ticker: SESG). Further information is available at:
About Quvia
Quvia, formerly known as Neuron, is the first AI-powered QoE platform for ships, planes and remote sites. The platform seamlessly blends any combination of connectivity, including multiple service providers, satellite orbits and terrestrial networks, into one, vendor-neutral environment; continuously measures and analyzes real-time connectivity performance and its impact on quality of experience (QoE); and intelligently orchestrates the network to deliver the best possible QoE—even in the most remote places. Today, Quvia works with industry-leading companies in aviation, cruise, energy, shipping and more. To learn more, visit:, and follow us on LinkedIn.
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