BlackLine Expands Bengaluru Operations to Drive Global Growth and Innovation
New Office Space Strengthens Customer Support, Scales Global Operations, and Advances Innovation
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL), the intelligent financial data platform that powers the modern Office of the CFO, announced today the expansion of its presence in Bengaluru, India, reinforcing its commitment to global growth, operational scalability, and continuous, best-in-class customer support.
Scaling to Meet Growing Demand
Since establishing operations in Bengaluru in 2022, BlackLine has steadily expanded its teams in the region to meet increasing demand for its solutions. The new 50,000-square-foot office strengthens BlackLine’s ability to provide continuous service, accelerate product development, enhance operational efficiencies, and support coverage across multiple time zones.
“Our Bengaluru expansion represents a critical step in our continued commitment to scaling our global operations and enhancing support for customers worldwide,” said Therese Tucker, Founder and co-CEO at BlackLine. “India’s deep talent pool and thriving technology ecosystem make it an ideal location to drive innovation, expand our capabilities, and accelerate our global impact to meet growing customer demand.”
Enhancing Innovation and Customer Support
The expanded facility includes a Network Operations Center (NOC) to enhance system monitoring and support BlackLine’s global infrastructure, strengthening the company’s already-leading ability to provide real-time assistance to customers across different regions. The space also serves as a hub for BlackLine’s engineering, customer success, and operations teams, fostering greater collaboration and agility in delivering new solutions.
“Bengaluru has been an essential part of BlackLine’s global strategy, and this new office reflects our commitment to innovation and operational excellence,” said Raghu Dwarakanath, Managing Director, India. “With this expansion, we are better positioned to enhance customer engagement, drive product advancements, and strengthen our ability to support finance and accounting teams as they transform their financial operations.”
Customer Perspective: Strengthening Local Support & Innovation
Leading organizations in the region are already seeing the benefits of BlackLine’s expanded presence.
“With BlackLine’s expanded presence in Bengaluru, we look forward to even greater collaboration, faster innovation, and stronger local support to drive our finance transformation efforts”, said Mr. Narottam Sharma, CIO, Jubilant FoodWorks.”
Commitment to Global Growth
The launch of the Bengaluru office marks the latest step in BlackLine’s broader strategy to strengthen its global presence and innovation capabilities. With an expanded footprint in India, the company is well-positioned to drive customer success, accelerate product innovation, scale its world-class support, and further its mission to inspire, power, and guide digital finance transformation worldwide.
About BlackLine
BlackLine is the intelligent financial data platform that powers the modern Office of the CFO. As the central nervous system for financial data, BlackLine seamlessly connects systems, automates workflows, and orchestrates the complex flow of financial information across the enterprise. By transforming raw transactions into strategic insights, BlackLine empowers finance & accounting teams to achieve future-ready financial operations that are accurate, efficient, and intelligent.
Media Contact
Samantha Darilek
VP, Communications
P. 877-777-7750
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